Tuesday, July 16, 2013

AM: For Time @ 90%

60 Toes to Bar
* Every time you break must run 400m

Time: 7:07 - I am feeling great.  I broke my T2B into 4 sets with x3 400m runs with avg pace of (1:30-1:40).  I grabbed Bill to run with me fresh on the last run and he pushed me to fairly uncomfortable pace.  I think this was a good 90% effort and happy with it considering T2B isn't my forte.  i MAY have been able to do this in 3 sets if I hung on the bar a bit longer in round 1 and 2 but it would have required 100% effort to make that happen. 

PM:  For Time

35 HSPU - 2:24
10 Tire Flips - :47
30 Thrusters @ 115# - 2:02
10 Tire Flips - :55
25 Pullups  - 1:17

Time: 7:27 - HSPU's were not too bad tonight but wish I could have shaved off one break.  Did 20 out of the gate.  Thrusters got a little spicy.  PU's were broken but fast.  25m run to/from tires.

Shoulder Impingement Update, this morning is the best it has felt in the last 12 months since this impingement started happening.  No idea what variables are at play here but I'm listing them here for review at a later date.

- Cortizone Shot: 4 days ago (I rested the day of and thrashed the shoulder pretty hard the next 2 days)  The shot didn't seem to help much up to this morning.
- Deep tissue message: 1 day ago (full body deep tissue message)  Never had one of these before but I am willing to give anything a try and wanted to provide as much recovery potential for my muscles and tendons over the next week.  I had a small hope that something magical would happen with the shoulder.
- Pre-bed supplements: 600mg motrin & 1 fish oil capsule (I rarely take motrin but wanted to hit shoulder with night time NSAID to assist the shot/massage)
- Bedtime: Sleeping on my back as opposed to a crunched up fetal position where your shoulders roll forward and sit in a position that may aggregate the issue.  This is just experimental but can't hurt.
- Small change on warmup over the last few weeks:  Added Jared Enderton barbell warmup which is good on the shoulders.
- Marcus Coaching w/emphasis on dips/pullups/shoulder strength.  This is a progressive thing as of the last 4 months.  It doesn't explain why I feel so great today but why the shoulder hurt so bad a few days ago.  The foundation here is worth considering though for the healing process to build on so it is worth mentioning.

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