Friday, November 30, 2012


1) Every 45 seconds for 7:30 (22 total reps):

2 Banded Deadlifts @ 50% Bar Weight + 20% Band Tension

Notes: The bar should be loaded with 50% of the 1RM Deadlift. Band tension should equal 20% of 1RM at the top of the lift. Judging band weight and setup is explained in this DEMO VIDEO

2) Bench Press: 1X5 @ 85%, 1X3 @ 90%, 1X3 @ 95%, 2X3 @ 100% – based off heaviest set from 121116, rest 90+ seconds.

Notes: All reps must be performed with the hips (ass) in contact with the bench.


Every even minute for 10 minutes:

3 Clean & Jerks (full squat) @ 80%

Every odd minute for 10 minutes:

15 Burpees

*This effort should be scored by the amount of total time to complete all 5 sets of Burpees.


1a) 3X25 UB GHD Situps – rest 45 sec.
1b) 3X15 Reverse Hypers – medium/heavy, rest 45 sec.


1) 250#
2) 215-230-240-255# – No failures, no assistance. Much better than last week.

C&J based on 300# max. TOUGH percentage for this WOD.
1: 245# x3
2: 245# x1 – smoked, dropped weight. Happy I got one after the burpees though.
3: 220# x2
4: 220# x2
5: 220# x1


Disappointed about the conditioning. I forgot to time the burpees because I was more focussed on trying to game my C&J’s and time so I could do it as RX’d. The weight was too much for me today and couldn’t risk taking 2 steps back on the shoulder rehab.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

BB Gymnastics

1) Every 45 seconds for 5 minutes:

1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch @ 70% (of max Snatch any style)

2) Every 45 seconds for 5 minutes:

1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean @ 70% (of max Clean any style)


1a) 4X3 3 Stop Snatch Pulls – heavier than last week, rest 45 sec. DEMO VIDEO
1b) 4X5 Hang Clean Hi-Pulls – heavy (BB should rise to chest height – elbows above bar), rest 45 sec.
1c) 4X5 Split Press – heavier than last week, rest 45 sec. DEMO VIDEO


Choose one…

Row: 4X500m – rest 2:1 – 30 burpee penalty for every set that deviates +/- 5 sec. from the fastest set.

Run: 4X400m – rest 2:1 – 25 burpee penalty for every set that deviates +/- 5 sec. from the fastest set.

Swim: 7X50m – rest 3:1 – 20 burpee penalty for every set that deviates +/- 5 sec. from the fastest set.

Notes: All work should be at maximal RPE.


BBG: stuck with 70%
1) 77.5kg (170#)
2) 100kg (220#)

1a) 95/100/105/105kg (231#) – heavy
1b) 90/80/90/80kg – 90kg didn’t feel right, kept backing it down to 80. Need work on this drill.
1c) 125/145/145/155# – slight shoulder pain but way tolerable!

C: Runs
1:15 + 25 jump/clap burpee penalty for time (49s)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

BB Gymnastics

1) 5X1 3 Position Snatch @ 75% (low to high) – rest 60 seconds, DEMO VIDEO
2) 5X1 3 Position Clean + 1 Push Jerk @ 75% (low to high) – rest 60 seconds


1) Back Squat:
-Every 30 seconds for 4:00 minutes – 1 rep @ 85% (9 total reps)
-Rest exactly 2 minutes.
-Every minute on the minute for 4:00 minutes – 1 rep @ 90% (5 total reps)

2) 5X3 Front Squats (3 count pause on 1st rep) – heaviest possible, rest 60-90 seconds.


2 min ME Row for Calories

-rest 1 minute

4 min AMRAP of:
15 Pushups (hand release)
10 T2B

-rest 1 minute

4 min AMRAP of:
15 Jumping Squats 45#
10 Pullups

-rest 1 minute

2 min ME Row for Calories


1) 82.5kg – Based on 110kg (242#)
2) 102.5kg – Based on 136kg (300#)

BS: 155kg @ 85% & 162.5kg @ 90% – Based on 400#
FS: 125kg – took it easy on this one because of shoulder

60 cals
3 rounds + 7 reps
4 rounds
42 cals

I'm not sure I should have done the cleans on the BBG.  Shoulder smoked.  *sigh* we'll see how it feels tomorrow.

Monday, November 26, 2012

BB Gymnastics

1) Snatch: 10X1 @ 80% – rest 30-60 seconds.
2) Clean & Jerk: 10X1 @ 80% – rest 30-60 seconds.


Run 800m
5 Bar Muscle-Ups
9 Hang Squat Clean to Thrusters 135/95#
Run 400m
7 Bar Muscle-Ups
7 Hang Squat Clean to Thrusters 135/95#
Run 200m
9 Bar Muscle-Ups
5 Hang Squat Clean to Thrusters 135/95#

For time.


1) 200#
2) 245#

Conditioning: with Ring MU’s instead of bar. Last time we did bar MU’s with that rope climb, it fired up the shoulder. It was either the heavy C&J that day, the rope climb or bar mu’s. Cutting them out of the equation tonight.

Time: 12:49 – MU’s were pain free with very fast turnover. Decided not to tng thrusters today.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

BB Gymnastics

20 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch.

20 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk.


2 min ME Front Squats @ 80%

*Rest 2 minutes.

10 min AMRAP of:

30 Double-Unders
15 Power Snatches 75/55#

*Rest 2 minutes.

2 min ME Front Squats @ 80%


Snatch: 231# - Stopped there, shoulder pain causing me to hold back.
C&J: Hathcock worked with me on my snatch a few weeks ago.  Trying to redefine snatch while shoulder jacked. It's coming around.

Squats: x15 286# - First blast of FS, then switched to BS to relieve pain on shoulder.
6 rounds + 7 DU's
Squats:  x15 286# - FS->BS 

Friday, November 23, 2012

1) Every 15 seconds for 5 minutes (21 total reps):
1 Banded Deadlift @ 60% Bar Weight + 25% Band Tension
Notes: The bar should be loaded with 60% of the 1RM Deadlift. Band tension should equal 25% of 1RM at the top of the lift. Judging band weight and setup is explained in this DEMO VIDEO

2) Bench Press: 1X8 @ 70%, 1X5 @ 75%, 1X5 @ 80%, 1X3 @ 90%, 1X3 @ 95%, 1X3 @ 100% – based off heaviest set from 121116, rest 60-90 seconds.
Notes: All reps must be performed with the hips (ass) in contact with the bench.

3 rounds for total reps of:
1 min ME Burpee Over-the-Box Jumps 24″ (touch on top required)
1 min ME C2B Pullups
1 min ME DB Ground to Overhead 50/35#
*Rest 1 minute.

5 min alternating BB TGU 95/65#


1) 300# w/rage green bands.

255# - 2 of the 3 reps were assisted

3) Total: 162
BOB's: 20/12/12
C2B: 25/13/14
DB: 23/22/21

TGU's: Worked up to 70#.  Bad shoulder can't take it, shut it down.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

BB Gymnastics

1) Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes:

1 Power Snatch @ 80% (of max Snatch any style)

2) Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes:

1 Power Clean @ 80% (of max Clean any style)


1a) 4X3 3 Stop Snatch Pulls – heavy but perfect, rest 45 sec. DEMO VIDEO
1b) 4X5 Pendlay Rows – heavier than last week, rest 45 sec. DEMO VIDEO
1c) 4X5 Split Press – heavy, rest 45 sec. DEMO VIDEO


Choose one…

Row: 3X1K – rest 1:1 – 30 burpee penalty for every set that deviates +/- 5 sec. from the fastest set.

Run: 4X800m – rest 1:1 – 25 burpee penalty for every set that deviates +/- 5 sec. from the fastest set.

Swim: 5X100m – rest 2:1 – 20 burpee penalty for every set that deviates +/- 5 sec. from the fastest set.

Notes: All work should be at approximately 90-95% RPE. 


1) 80kg
2) 105kg

1a) 90/95/100kg
1b) 110kg all sets
1c) 110/145/145#

C: skipped, out of time. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

BB Gymnastics

1) 7X1 Snatch off Boxes (just above knee) – heavy but perfect, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
2) 7X1 Clean & Push Jerk off Boxes (just above knee) – heavy but perfect, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO


1) Back Squat: EMOM for 5 minutes – 2 reps @ 85%

These are Low Bar Back Squat. Percentages should be based off your most recent 1RM Back Squat of any style.

2) 7X2 1&1/4 Front Squats – heaviest possible, rest 60 seconds. DEMO VIDEO


Run 200m
9 Muscle-Ups
9 Power Snatches 135/95#
Run 200m
7 Muscle-Ups
7 Power Snatches 135/95#
Run 200m
5 Muscle-Ups
5 Power Snatches
Run 200m

For time.


Wanted to do the squat portion of this but couldn't make time.  Need to let the shoulder rest anyway.  Unplanned rest day today.

Monday, November 19, 2012

BB Gymnastics

1) Snatch: 3X1@85%, 2X1@90%, 2X1@95%, 2X1@90%, 3X1@85% – rest 30-60 seconds.
2) Clean & Jerk: 3X1@80%, 2X1@85%, 2X1@90%, 2X1@85%, 3X1@80% – rest 30-60 seconds.


5 Rope Climbs 15′
10 Wall Balls 20/14#
4 Rope Climbs 15′
15 Wall Balls 20/14#
3 Rope Climbs 15′
20 Wall Balls 20/14#
2 Rope Climbs 15′
25 Wall Balls 20/14#
1 Rope Climbs 15′
30 Wall Balls 20/14#

For time.

*Rest 2 minutes, then:

3 minute AMRAP of:

Bar Muscle-Ups


Snatch: Wasn't sitting and stabilizing well today. Lost 2 of my 3 failures behind me in the bottom. Strange.
215 - 1 fail
230 - 1 fail
215 - 1 fail

C&J: 90% on these is so much easier than 95% of the snatch max effort. Why is the snatch max 5% higher. Curious on the science of that 5% difference.
255 - 1 sloppy jerk

9:19 as RX'd
15 Bar MU's

Friday, November 16, 2012

Saturday 60 minute competition.
*The entire effort should be completed with one, one hour running clock. The work and rest intervals are written into the hour time frame. Please post scoring for each individual WOD.

WOD 1 & 2 – beginning @ 0:00:

50 Burpees AFAP (as fast as possible)
*with the remainder of the 10 minutes…
Establish a 3RM UB Hang Snatch (full squat).

WOD 3 & 4 – beginning @ 10:00:

50 Burpees AFAP
*with the remainder of the 10 minutes…
Establish a 3RM Touch and Go Power Clean & Push Jerk.

WOD 5 & 6 – beginning @ 20:00:

50 Burpees AFAP
*with the remainder of the 10 minutes…
Establish a 3RM Front Squat.

WOD 7 – beginning @ 30:00:

100′ Handstand Walk
Run 800m
75′ Handstand Walk
Run 800m
50′ Handstand Walk
For time.

WOD 8 – beginning @ 50:00:

10 minute AMRAP of:
5 10m Prowler Shuttle Sprint @ 215/145#
15 DB Push Press 50/35#
30 second L-Sit Hold

Notes: The Prowler Shuttle Sprint should be performed using the high handles to push 5m down, and the low handles to push 5m back. The Prowler weights displayed are including the weight of the Prowler. The standard Prowler weighs 75#, if yours is not a standard Prowler, then figure out exactly what it weighs and load it appropriately to equal the prescribed weight. The L-Sit Holds do not have to be unbroken. Think of ever second held as one rep, and only count seconds when you are in a fully upright position.




1) Every 15 seconds for 5 minutes (21 total reps):

1 Banded Deadlift @ 55% Bar Weight + 25% Band Tension

Notes: The bar should be loaded with 55% of the 1RM Deadlift. Band tension should equal 25% of 1RM at the top of the lift. Judging band weight and setup is explained in this DEMO VIDEO

2) 7X2 Bench Press – heaviest possible, rest 60 seconds.

Notes: All reps must be performed with the hips (ass) in contact with the bench.


3 rounds for time of:

7 Muscle-Ups
14 Thrusters 115/75#
21 GHD Sit-ups


1) 255# w/green rage bands
2) 205/215/215/225/235/245/255#

11:49 - thrusters were not fun.  MU's were not as painful, rusty but more explosive.   2 weeks of art therapy and left shoulder recovering well.  Deep joint/tendon pain still present but nerve bundle pain MUCH better and tolerable.  Need to maintain some self control and hold back the next 2 weeks to heal up.  

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

BB Gymnastics

1) 7X1 Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch – heavy but not maximal, rest 45 sec (exactly).
2) 7X1 Hang Power Clean + Power Clean + Push Jerk – heavy but not maximal, rest 45 sec (exactly).


1a) 3X5 Jumping Good Mornings – heavy but perfect, rest 45 sec. DEMO VIDEO
1b) 3X5 Pendlay Rows – heaviest possible, rest 45 sec.
1c) 3X5 BB Seated Strict Press – heaviest possible, rest 45 sec.


7X200m Sprint – Rest the amount of time it takes to slowly walk back from each 200 (every set should be all out efforts).


BBG: skipped because of shoulder

1a) 60/65/70kg (154#)
1b) 100/110/120kg (264#)
1c) 55/60/65kg (143#)

C: low 30's

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

BB Gymnastics

1) 5X2 Snatch off Boxes (just above knee) – heavy but perfect, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
2) 5X2 Clean & Push Jerk off Boxes (just above knee) – heavy but perfect, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO


*The Back Squats are based off of YOUR THREE REP MAX – follow the link, that’s why I put it there.

1) Back Squat: EMOM for 5 minutes – 2 reps @ 80%

These are Low Bar Back Squat. Percentages should be based off your most recent 1RM Back Squat of any style.

2) 5X3 Front Squats (1st rep pause) – near heaviest possible, rest 90 seconds.

Notes: The first rep of each set should have a 5 count (second) pause in the absolute bottom position. When you stand, DO NOT bounce to initiate out of the bottom.


90 seconds ME Double-Unders

-then (without resting)-

Row 1K
100 Double-Unders
Row 500m

For time.

*Please note score as total Double-Unders and total time.


1) 90kg (200#)
2) 110kg (242#)

BS: 145kg (319#) - not bad
FS: 90/100/105/105/110kg (242#) - got tough

170 DU's - few trips but solid
Total time including 90s: 8:09

Saturday, November 10, 2012

BB Gymnastics
20 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch.
20 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk.

4 rounds for time of:
5 Back Squats @ 250/165#
10 KB Push Press @ 24/16kg (1 KB each hand)
150′ Prowler Shuttle Push @ 165/125#

Notes: The Prowler Shuttle Push should be performed using the high handles to push 75′ down, and the low handles to push 75′ back. The Prowler weights displayed are including the weight of the Prowler. The standard Prowler weighs 75#, if yours is not a standard Prowler, then figure out exactly what it weighs and load it appropriately to equal the prescribed weight.



Friday, November 9, 2012

1) Every 15 seconds for 5 minutes (21 total reps):
1 Banded Deadlift @ 50% Bar Weight + 20% Band TensionNotes: The bar should be loaded with 50% of the 1RM Deadlift. Band tension should equal 20% of 1RM at the top of the lift. Judging band weight and setup is explained in this DEMO VIDEO

2) 5X3 Bench Press – heaviest possible, rest 2 plus minutes.
Notes: All reps must be performed with the hips (ass) in contact with the bench.

4 rounds of:
2 min. ME Row for Calories
-rest 1 minute
1 min. Wall Walks
-rest 1 minute

1a) 3X20 “Strict” GH Raise – rest 60 sec. (no swing, start from a position parallel to the floor) Demo Video
1b) 3X20 UB GHD Situps – rest 60 sec.


DL: 235# w/rage bands. Based on 500# DL. Bands got pretty tight at top, didn’t weigh.
Bench: 225#

Row: 195 cals (60/47/44/44) – strong first round but backed down to 90% after first min knowing I had 3 rounds left.
Wall Walks: 5/4/4/4

Midline: done

Low on blood sugar after tonight. This one caught up with me. Had an olympic doc do active release on shoulder today. 3 months of shoulder impingement/inflammation pain and couldn’t bench 185# last week. After first day, there is hope of a quick recovery.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

BB Gymnastics

1) 10X1 Power Snatch – heavy but not maximal, rest 45 sec (exactly).
2) 10X1 Power Clean + Push Jerk – heavy but not maximal, rest 45 sec (exactly).


1a) 3X8 Jumping Good Mornings – heavy but perfect, rest 45 sec. DEMO VIDEO
1b) 3X8 Reverse Hypers – very heavy, rest 45 sec.
1c) 3X8 DB Seated Strict Press – heaviest possible, rest 45 sec.


4X400m Run – Rest 1:1 (all out efforts)


Got a crink in neck at work today. First in a long time and jacked up BBG work. Kept it light today.

1) 60->90kg
2) 80->110kg

1a) 135#
1b) 110/110/120kg – straight leg dl, tough last round
1c) skipped

C: Skipped, no time

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

BB Gymnastics

1) 7X1 Snatch off High Boxes (at hip) – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
2) 7X1 Clean & Jerk off High Boxes (at hip) – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO


1) Back Squat (please read the directions carefully):

Set 1: 1 Back Squat every 30 seconds for for 2:00 @ 90% (5 total reps) – DO NOT re-rack the barbell until all 5 reps are completed.
*Rest 3:00 exactly.
Set 2: 1 Back Squat every 30 seconds for for 1:30 @ 90% (4 total reps) – DO NOT re-rack the barbell until all 4 reps are completed.
*Rest 2:00 exactly.
Set 3: 1 Back Squat every 30 seconds for for 1:00 @ 90% (3 total reps) – DO NOT re-rack the barbell until all 3 reps are completed.

Notes: These are LOW Bar Back-Squats. Percentage is based off of most recent 1RM HBBS.

2) 5X2 Pause Front Squats (3 counts in bottom), heavy rest 90 seconds.


7 minute AMRAP of:

50 Double-Unders


BBG: Skipped, shoulder and no blocks today

Back Squat Holds: 160kg (352#) – MURDER but done as RX'd.  Probably did this with a low HB vs an outlaw LOW of which I was not 100% sure how at the time.
FS: 100kg (220#) – kept this light

Conditioning: stripped out HSPU today and did a 7 minute DU tabata instead for reps. Few trip-ups but not bad today.

61/59/58/61/61/64 – 364 total

Getting shoulder impingement looked at by an active release Dr. on Friday. Hopefully he can fix the nerve causing me so much pain. Weird.

Monday, November 5, 2012

BB Gymnastics

1) Snatch: 3X1@80%, 1X1@85%, 1X1@90%, 1X1@95%, 3X1@90%, 2X1@85% – rest 30-60 seconds

2) Clean & Jerk: 3X1@75%, 1X1@80%, 1X1@ 85%, 1X1@90%, 3X1@85%, 2X1@80% – rest 30-60 seconds.


3 rounds for time of:

50' Burpee Broad Jump
20 KBS 32/24kg
15 C2B Pullups
10 Thrusters 135/95#


1) snatch based off of 242# - No misses
80%: 88kg
85%: 92.5kg
90%: 100kg
95%: 105kg (231#)
90%: 100kg
85%: 92.5kg

2) based on 300# - no misses
75%: 100kg
80%: 110kg
85%: 115kg
90%: 122.5kg (269#)
85%: 115kg
80%: 110kg 

Conditioning: taking it easy because of shoulder.  going to see doctor on Friday.  pushed it with the snatches tonight, need to chill.
x15 C2B x3 sets
x20 80# kbs x3 sets
x10 135# BS x3 sets 

Friday, November 2, 2012

5 minutes to establish a Max Height Box Jump.

-then (no break)

12-9-6 of:
Front Squats @ 250#

For time.

9-7-5 of:
Front Squats @ 170#

For time.

Notes: There is a 10 minute cap. Racks MAY NOT be used for Front Squats.

-then (immediately at completion of the WOD, or when the 10 minute cap is reached)-

5 minutes to establish a Max Height Box Jump.


51" BJ
9:23 - took it easy on the muscle ups.  front squats from clean sucked a little bit.
47" BJ