Saturday, July 20, 2013

A. Power Clean - build to a tough single quickly (not a 1RM - just fast)

285# - Jerked it up to 225#.  Wanted to see how shoulder felt under a little load.

B. 10 Burpees AFAP; rest walk 2mins; 4 sets

16 seconds average for 10 jumping burpees.  Very fast for all sets.

C. Row 25sec @ 100%; rest 3mins; 4 sets

Meters: 162, 162, 167 (1:14m pace), 159

Rower set to intervals.  Meters are not rolling.  They stopped calculating at :25 seconds.  These took a lot out of me today but were strong.

D. Mobility - Cool down


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Row 500m @ 1:45;
Easy AD for 90s;
x5 sets

Rows: 1:43 avg all rounds
AD: 33 calories every 90s

Did this workout high noon out on driveway.

PM: For Time
Row 750m
50 WB
Row 500m
50 WB
Row 250m

Time: 9:00

All WB were unbroken. Feel great!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


5min Warm Up @ Z1 - 91 calories
x10 sets - 266 calories on this, wow
30 sec @ 85% - Held 90-95 RPM's
30 sec @ 50% - Held 70-72 RPM's
5min Warm Down - 84 calories

Did this one in the high noon sun.  Happy with the results here on this.  If I were to push that baby a little harder, 300 is right around the corner!


A. Build to a heavy single in the hang squat snatch

215# - Solid tonight, no issues.  Stopped at a heavy but safe number today.  Had massage therapist work shoulders prior to the PM session tonight again.   


For time: Burpees done with jump & clap
50 double unders 
10 burpees 
40 double unders 
10 burpees 
30 double unders 
10 burpees 
20 double unders 
10 burpees 
10 double unders 
10 burpees

Time: 3:45 - One accidental trip at 12 on the set of 30.  Focus, not fatigue.  Burpees were snappy all the way to the end. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

AM: For Time @ 90%

60 Toes to Bar
* Every time you break must run 400m

Time: 7:07 - I am feeling great.  I broke my T2B into 4 sets with x3 400m runs with avg pace of (1:30-1:40).  I grabbed Bill to run with me fresh on the last run and he pushed me to fairly uncomfortable pace.  I think this was a good 90% effort and happy with it considering T2B isn't my forte.  i MAY have been able to do this in 3 sets if I hung on the bar a bit longer in round 1 and 2 but it would have required 100% effort to make that happen. 

PM:  For Time

35 HSPU - 2:24
10 Tire Flips - :47
30 Thrusters @ 115# - 2:02
10 Tire Flips - :55
25 Pullups  - 1:17

Time: 7:27 - HSPU's were not too bad tonight but wish I could have shaved off one break.  Did 20 out of the gate.  Thrusters got a little spicy.  PU's were broken but fast.  25m run to/from tires.

Shoulder Impingement Update, this morning is the best it has felt in the last 12 months since this impingement started happening.  No idea what variables are at play here but I'm listing them here for review at a later date.

- Cortizone Shot: 4 days ago (I rested the day of and thrashed the shoulder pretty hard the next 2 days)  The shot didn't seem to help much up to this morning.
- Deep tissue message: 1 day ago (full body deep tissue message)  Never had one of these before but I am willing to give anything a try and wanted to provide as much recovery potential for my muscles and tendons over the next week.  I had a small hope that something magical would happen with the shoulder.
- Pre-bed supplements: 600mg motrin & 1 fish oil capsule (I rarely take motrin but wanted to hit shoulder with night time NSAID to assist the shot/massage)
- Bedtime: Sleeping on my back as opposed to a crunched up fetal position where your shoulders roll forward and sit in a position that may aggregate the issue.  This is just experimental but can't hurt.
- Small change on warmup over the last few weeks:  Added Jared Enderton barbell warmup which is good on the shoulders.
- Marcus Coaching w/emphasis on dips/pullups/shoulder strength.  This is a progressive thing as of the last 4 months.  It doesn't explain why I feel so great today but why the shoulder hurt so bad a few days ago.  The foundation here is worth considering though for the healing process to build on so it is worth mentioning.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

3min AMRAP @ 90%
10 Thrusters 95
10 Pull UPs

4 Rounds - good 90% effort, felt good. 

rest 10mins

3 min amrap @95%
10 kbs 2 pood
10 wall balls
10 burpees

2 Rounds + 7 KBS - felt good but it started to get spicy starting the 3rd round.

rest 10mins

3 min amrap @100%
10 toes to bar
10 power snatch 95#
10 box jumps 24"

2 Rounds + 7 T2B

Would have finished T2B but had to drop before I could finish the set.  Wasn't real coordinated on the box jumps.  Should have worn tennis shoes for this but forgot them at home and only had lifting shoes. 

Fun little session today.  I was actually excited to hit this one today.  I felt recharged with only 10m rest here hitting these with an incrementing level of effort.   

Saturday, July 13, 2013

12min Clock - build to a 1RM in Strict Press and Weighted Chin up
(for chin up you can only use 45, 35, 25lb plates, press you can use any plates you want)

Press: 175# - Put on 180# and was worried about shoulder.  Still a sore from shot and was mentally afraid of snapping something with no dip/drive here.  My strict press hasn't grown much over the past few years.  

WChinUp: 115# from full hang.  This has improved over time and actually felt good today.  I think I could have gotten 120# today but wasn't going to redline shoulder today.

rest 5min exactly

30 Clean and Jerks for Time @ 185#

Time: 7:56 - I have no benchmark on this but this won't cut it.  Contemplated hitting it hard out of the gate and hanging on but decided to keep a steady pace to see how shoulder responded. 

+1:10 hour rest.  Low energy leading into the noon WOD.  Ate some sweet potatoes and 2:1 shake.  Felt better half way through the run on the noon WOD.

Noon (in heat): 90+ degree's in sun
Run 1 Mile
50 KBS 53lbs - UB
40 HR Push Ups
30 KBS 70lbs - Broke these up strategically.  Started to feel triceps on this set.
20 HR Push Ups
10 KBS 88lbs - Used 90# KB: UB

Time: 14:54 - Run was around 7m & hilly.  Started KB at 7:15.  I had energy issues after WOD one, wasn't sure if it was the breakfast or what.  I've got to cut eggs out of my morning workout routine.  They don't set with me well.  

Friday, July 12, 2013

Corizone shot in bursa this morning.  Arm a little numb and achy post shot.  Scheduled for a 1.5 hour sports massage on Monday my next rest day.  MRI scheduled for after the games.  Ultrasound review shows no fluid or obvious tears but the MRI should expose what is causing the impingement pain during the transition to overhead.  

Feeling good after the last few days.  Intensity and effort improved the last few days.  Abs are pretty sore from the GHD WOD a few days ago.  We'll have to keep the abs primed this week Marcus. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

6 Rounds @ 90%
5 Power Snatch 155#
30 Double Unders

Time: 7:18 - Feet got a little crampy the last 2 rounds.  Breathing kicked up but was under control.  Snatches were not much of a problem.  Fun lunchtime workout.  Tripped 3 times total on DU's.

KBS 80#
Double Unders
Ring Dips
Double Unders

Time: 7:07 - All KB unbroken and full extension.  Wanted to break on 20's but held on.  DU's were mostly unbroken except for one of the 10's which cost me a sub 7 time.  Ring dips got pretty tough and had to just chip away at them.  Happy with the result on this.

Based on my 90% AM effort and tonights PM and how I feel post workouts, I feel I'm peaked now.  I hope were not early mentally and physically.  I haven't squatted or lifted realy heavy lately other than the cleans last week which felt good.  For some reason the 30 thrusters @ 135# the other day didn't feel real good and not exactly sure why.

Spoke with Jared Enderton competing here soon USAW Nationals and he thinks it is a good idea and has felt great since his massage earlier this week.  Today I feel redeemed from my pathetic performance a few days ago.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

For Time @ 90%
40 Calorie Row
40 T2B
30 Calories Row
40 GHD Sit Ups
20 Calorie Row

Time: 8:34 - 90c of rowing resulted in (1:38 avg pace, 3:31 total time, 1070 meters)  I felt the GHD situps after the row and T2B.  The last 12 T2B slowed me down a little bit.

5 Rounds for Time
3 Power Cleans 225#
10 Push Ups
10 Burpee Box Jumps 24"

Time: 7:44 - First 3/2+1 PC's were TnG then started singles.  No breaks, stood at top of box.  Need a few pauses on the last few rounds of pushups.  PC's got spicey but was moving along!  Raced a few others on this one and got a round lead on it.  I felt redemption from yesterday.  Give me someone to chase, I could have been faster.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I'm going to say this now.  I've got a lot of pent up energy after the workouts and I'm not hitting these with everything I have.  I need to man up and get on it.  I can't save it all for game day and expect to be my best.  Sick in the AM is not an excuse but I should have gotten to at least 20 135# thrusters.  I want a rematch of the PM.

For Time @ 90%
Airdyne 120 Cals - Finished in 4:20
50 Pull Ups - Finished in 1:45 while having to drop because of stomach cramps.
50 Wall Balls - Cramps continued but finished

Time: 8:43 - Had stomach issues during this WOD from breakfast or something.  Hit me during the pull-ups and wallball.

For Time
Run 400m
30 Thrusters 135#
Run 400m

Time:  7:17 - Runs were a little longer than 400m not to mention the first run was about 700m by mistake.  I missed the 400m marker and kept running. 

Checking this one off as a bad day.  Now pull it together!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

For Time
Run 800m
4 Rope Climbs 20'
50m Prowler Push Grinder
3 Rope Climbs 20'
50m Prowler Push Grinder
2 Rope Climbs 20'
50m Prowler Push Grinder
1 Rope Climb 20'
Run 800m

Time: 18:08

The first 800 was done around 3:15 or so.  After the first 4 rope climbs I realized I had the shin guard on the wrong leg.  Had to spend about :45-1:15 seconds swapping the shinguard to the bloody shin.  Prowler was 3 45# plates on rubber.  The entire 50m was a slow grinder for sure.  The taller rope climbs made a difference with the additional pull that was required.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Today is my 42nd birthday! 

A. Clean Gauntlet from 2012 Games; Same standard, on the 30sec

315# - Changed my own weight.  Started to fall behind getting weight for 325# and decided to call it.  315# has never been easier.  I'm capable of 325-335# but didnt want to push it today. 


3 Rounds
7 Power Snatch 155
14 Pistol Alternating

Time: 3:42 - Fun WOD.  The first round of snatches felt light.  Take away the legs and round 2 got a little more difficult.

PM For Time
Run 400m
25 Pull Ups
Row 400m
25 Toes 2 Bar
Run 400m
25 Pull Ups

Time: 7:46 with hilly 400's.  First run was about 1:35 and first round of pullups were done at 2:11.  Second run was around 1:45. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

AM. 20min Run Zone 1
*Pick up speed on last 30sec of each 4min.

Ran 2.58 miles in 20 min during peak heat of the day at 91 degrees.  Held an average pace of a 7:50 mile and kicked it up to about a 6 on the 30 seconds.  I ran this on a track to get used to feeling this pace on level ground and getting used to the track environment.  I know beyond a shadow of a doubt we will have runs this year at the crossfit games.

A. Axel Clean and Jerk; Build to a tough single fast

Worked up to 200#, went up easy.  Dont' have narrow plates and 2 45# plates is all that would fit on the fat bar so stopped there.


15-12-9 for time
Tire Flips

Time: 4:53 - Tire flips in rain, ran in side for burpees.  Jumped forward onto plate for burpees.


6-5-4-3-2-1 for time
Stone to shoulder 125ish
Muscle Up

Time: 5:45 - Blow out on this one and you are in trouble.  Having never done this combination before, I'm happy with the outcome. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

AM. 5k Row Easy

Done @ 2:01 avg 500m pace

30 Squat Cleans @ 185# - all singles

Time: 5:15 

rest 2mins

For Time
50 Wall balls - 1:49
40 KBS 70 - 2:21
30 T2B - 2:10
20 HSPU - 2:15

Time: 8:36

Feet fell off the wall after first HSPU rep.  It cost me some reps at the beginning. I had to break my last 3 up into a 2/1 so that mistake on the first rep cost me probably 30 seconds here.  My hands were too close to the wall when I began.  Purposely paced the WB and KBS into tough but manageable sets to help save arms.  

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

AM. AD 25mins Zone 1
*Get off every 5mins and HS walk 5-10m + 10 Air Squats

1) 88 cals
2) 97 cals
3) 101 cals
4) 99 cals
5) 108 cals

Hand stand walks were sketchy again.  Had one good run, the others were spotty.  Air squats were neither painful or affected my ability to jump back on AD.  Focused on deep full squats though.

5 Sets @ 100%
5 Power Snatch TnG @ 135# (fast)
25sec AD
rest 6mins

1) 35 cals
2) 30 cals
3) 20 cals
4) 24 cals
5) 25 cals

AD took it out of me on this.  I know AD sprints are intense but they suck the life out of me.  I had someone else run a 25 sec sprint fresh to see how my cals compare and their run was 25 calories.  I was moving on rounds 1-2 and had a crash on 3.  Regained my drive on 4-5 because I spent the next 3 minutes leading into the next round pedaling on AD. I think that had something to do with it anyway.