Saturday, June 29, 2013

A. Power Snatch + Squat Snatch; 6 sets; rest 2mins

155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205#

Easiest 205# power snatch I've ever pulled.  Caught with almost no dip.


Thrusters 115
C2B Pull Ups

Time: 3:23
Not sure what to think about this.  First round of 15's were unbroken. 6/6, 5/4 on thrusters.  Pullups were partitioned as needed.  C2B's got tough on this one.  Seems like such a small number that they shouldn't have been a problem.  hmm.

For Time
2000m Row
50 Toes to Bar
50 Clean and Jerks 95#

Time: 15:59

Deceptive little WOD.  Chased the clock on the last 10 C&J.  Held 1:43.7 avg pace for the 2k.  T2B were a grind and C&J were more difficult than anticipated.  Did the first 10 and had to start breaking them up into smaller sets.  Arms were smoked.  I did this one at 9:00pm here.  Started at 8:00pm but rower bungee broke so had to spend 20 minutes fixing rower.  Back was smoked from the odd position I was in when fixing the rower and was cold when I got it fixed and had to restart.  At that point it was more like a 3, 2, 1, no time for warmup gotta get this thing done.

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