Friday, June 14, 2013

AM. Run 20mins Fasted out of bed

Done: Ran hilly areas for 30 min with my boy on his bike!  Great morning!  15m in it felt like I could run forever.  Started to get achy by the end.

A. KB Snactch Practice (from hang not floor); Sets of 5 unbroken, 10min (play with different weigths, heavy and cycle weights)

Done: Worked up to several sets of 70# with lighter rounds mixed in.

B. Stone to shoulder; EMOM x 2 reps (tough weight - 150ish); 10mins

Done: w/150# stone.  Up and over shoulder.  Smashed the back of my head into it with several minutes to go.  Created a weird cramp but kept going.  Alternated shoulders, wasn't bad.


For Time
Axel Clean and Jerk 160#
P-HSPU (6" deficit)

Time: 6:57

Failed my 2nd rep of the x2 round of HSPU.  Didn't extend so redid that rep.  Deficit was more like 8".  C&J was easy and not a problem at all.  Had about 50ft walk between stations today not by choice.  Jogged between them.


10mins @ 90%
50 Double Unders
5m HS Walk
10 Cals Rowing
5m HS Walk

Total: 4 Rounds + 50 du + 5m HS walk 

HS walks were sloppy today.   

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