Saturday, September 29, 2012

A: x10 FS 225# + 150m prowler drag @ 145#; rest 5; 5 rounds
B: 3 min rest between
x1 ME BP 80%
x1 ME PushUp - 1m timecap
x1 ME SU - 1m timecap
x1 ME strict PullU
x1 ME ring dips
x3 rope climbs
x1 ME toes 2 bar

A: Done UB: Cleaned weight and got tough towards end
BP: skipped
PushU: 38
SU: 50
PullU: 14+4
RingD: 25
x3 rope
T2B: 24

Friday, September 28, 2012

B: 3 RFT
x8 split snatch 115#
x7 bar muscleups
x400m run
C: BS OTM @ 90% x10
D: 5xME ring row
E: 3xME ring dips

A: 70/80/90/100/110/120/130/135/140/145/150kg(x) - 321# PR on clean by 14#
B: 12:24 (3:41/4:23/4:20) - shoulder pain limiter
C: 163kg (357#) - tough at the end
D: 12/9/7/7/6
E: 12+6/10+4/8+5

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A: 3 rounds for time
x21 2pd kbs
x12 hspu
B: x5 sets ME strict pullups

A: 8:16
B: 12/9/8/7/6

This is the first time in months where shoulder shows sign of healing.  Hint of pain and still weak on hspu but felt better tonight.  Praying for more progress.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A: Two rounds for time:
x24 295# Deadlift
x24 24" box jumps
x24 20# wallball
x24 195# bench press
x24 24" box jumps
x24 20# wallball
x24 145# clean

A: Time 36:16

Tough WOD especially after the previous workout.

Monday, September 24, 2012

A: SB + x2 OHS @ 85% x5 sets
B: Squat snatch off blocks @ 85% 7 sets of 2
C: Metcon
100' walking lunges
50 pu
50 du
25 k2e
5 15' rope climes
50 bj
25 ohs 65#
25 lpu
50 su
D: x6 MU's OTM as long as possible

A: 93kg (205#) - snatch balance not strong, shoulder pain on this
B: 95kg (210#) - failed 2 of the 14 on the catch
C: Time 15:46
D: 6/6/6/3 + singles up to 35 mu's 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

A: 12 minute clock, 800m run, then in the remaining time, AMRAP 14 push press 115#, 7 toes 2 bar, 21 double unders.
B: 1 Clean and Jerk EMOM beginning at 135# and increasing by 20# each minute.

A: 4+14 - shoulder holding me back.  run was a little fast.
1) 3:21
2) 1:17
3) 1:49
4) 1:55
5) 2:19
6) +14pp
B: 115kg + Then worked up to 120kg after some additional rest.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Flying out to Newark, NJ for some training Tuesday through Friday.  Will be doing what I can this week as time permits.  Cardio and MAP training with emphasis on active recovery and stretching.

Monday, September 17, 2012

A: x1 FS OMOM x15
B: For time:
400m run
x21 PC 185#
400m run
x15 PC 205#
400m run
x9 PC 225#

A: 332#
B: Time 13:54
1) 1:55
2) 3:14
3) 2:00
4) 2:32
5) 2:10
6) 1:58

Saturday, September 15, 2012

A1: x3 OHS starting @85%, x3 rounds
A2: ME strict PU w/35# into ME kipping PU COVP, x3 rounds
B: x5 RFT
x12 PU
x21 OHS 75#
x35 SU hands on floor
C: x30 TGU

A1: 85/95/105kg (233#) - only 1 rep the last set.  A little weak here but I think it is due to all the shoulder work we've done in the last several days.
A2: 5-15/5-11/4-10
B: 14:26
1) 2:29 ub
2) 2:34 ub
3) 3:04 13/8
4) 3:21 11/10 took a nap
5) 2:56 13/8
C: TGU - misread workout and was getting tired.  Went heavier than I should have and only did 15 reps.  I was toast at this point.
35# x4
55# x4
70# x4
80# x4

Friday, September 14, 2012

A: 5-4-3-2-1 C&J@185# + MU's
B: 15m amrap
x10 2pd kbs
x10 24" bj
x10 ring dips
C: x1 SJ every 30s x20 @ 90%
D: 30 ME strict EROM HSPU into ME kipping EROM HSPU

A: 6:39 - 1st round unbroken, hit a wall going into round 2.  Got real heavy fast and jerk suffered.  MU's were ok.
B: 9+4
C: x1 SquatClean&J OTM for 20m: 233# - Modified this because of no jerk blocks
D: 3+1/3+4/3+4 - no erom today because of shoulder.  Used plates and abmat.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A: x3 rep max thruster
B: 4 RFT
400m run
x15 thrusters @ 95#
15 C2B pullups
B: HPC @ 70% every 15 seconds for 10 minutes.  blocks and straps

A: 95kg (211#) - cautious with shoulder stopped there
B: 10:04 w/1 run + 3 x50 DU's.  Forgot to do c2b, did chin over only.
C: 95kg (211#) - no blocks or straps.  DL+HPC for each rep.  DL got very difficult for the last 8 reps.  HPC were solid and easier than DL at the end.

Monday, September 10, 2012

A:  Metcon
x5 RFT
x15 PSnatch 115#
x30 walking lunges
400m run
+ 10 mu's
B: narrow shoulder press AMRAP x3

A: Time 16:45
1) 1:31
2) 2:26
3) 2:55
4) 3:00
5) 3:27
Run) 2:05
MU's) 1:20
B: static
2pd - 1 rep, too heavy. shoulder really bothering me
1.5pd - 3 reps, perfect weight but still too hard on impinged shoulder
40# - 15/20
45# - 13

Friday, September 7, 2012

A: 3 RFT
20 PJ @ 135#
30 PU
40 WB
50 DU
B: 10x5 Ring Rows
C: 5x5 dead hang c2b w/bands

A: Total: 16:59 - too much staring at bar
1) 4:45
2) 5:36
3: 6:38
B: done - gripped figure 8 knots on climbing rope
C: done - couldn't hit chest on static pullups but pulled as high as I could

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A: 3 position snatch practice
B: 1 squat snatch EMOM x12 @ 85-90% of max
C: x100 front raises with 45# plate
D: 800m run; rest 2 min x 6

A: 40/50/60/65/70kg (155#)
B: 95kg (211#) for all sets; failed 6th rep; happy I was able to do it
C: done
1) 3:06
2) 3:06
3) 3:11 - wanted to quit 200m into this last run

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A: tough power snatch in 5 sets
B: 5 rounds for time:
x10 315# DL
x20 GHD SU
C: x3 sets of PU (x5 strict @35#, AMRAP strict, AMRAP kipping)
A: 70/80/85/90/95kg (211#) - shoulder felt good after the last 2 workouts although it is still screwed up.  Inflammation or something is going on causing a painful hitch.
B: Time 8:59 - DL got heavy
1) 1:20
2) 1:57
3) 2:01
4) 2:00
5) 1:37
1) 5-7-7
2) 5-4-6
3) 4-3-3

Monday, September 3, 2012

CSCF Crossfit Decathlon
1. Max Wall Ball Shots, 20/14#, 10 ft target in 1:00 (8:10am, 10:10am)
2. AMRAP 5:00—200m Row/10 Kettlebell Swings, 70/55# (8:15am, 10:15am)
3. Max Double Unders in 1:00 (8:30am, 10:30am)
4. AMRAP 7:00—1 Rope Climb, 15ft/5 Hang Squat Snatches, 115/75# (8:35am, 10:35am)
5. Max Handstand Push-ups in 1:00 (8:45am, 10:45am)
6. AMRAP 9:00—400m Run/10 Burpees/10 Push Presses, 135/95# (8:55am,10:55am)
7. Max Ring Touches in 1:00 (9:10am, 11:10am)
8. AMRAP 4:00—10 Pull-ups/ 10 Box Jumps, 24/20” (9:15am,11:15am)
9. Max Cleans, 165/115# in 1:00 (9:20am,11:20am)
10. Max muscle ups in 1:00 (9:25am,11:25am)

1) 34
2) 125
3) 119
4) 108
5) 17
6) 130
7) 58
8) 100
9) 15
10) 8

Total: 712

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Started Crossfit in June 2006.  Did main site WODS for 3.5 years and posted daily on blog.  Transitioned to OPT Big Dawg program thereafter and have been there ever since.  I've branched off a few times to build strength and try out the effects of other major programs along the way but my home and heart will always be with OPT.  The blog starts now!