Airdyne 40mins
*every 5mins get off and perform 10 strict HSPU
1) 79 cals, 10 UB
2) 80, 10 UB
3) 88, 10 UB
4) 83, 10 UB
5) 83, 10 UB
6) 75, 6+2+2
7) 101, 6+3+1
8) 104, 6+2+1+1
Total Cals: 693
Total strict HSPU: 80
This got rough but happy to have gotten to round 6 before having to break up sets. Round 6 I backed down the calories in hopes of getting another UB but didn't happen so I picked it up after that knowing that sleeping on the AD wasn't going to help the situation.
A. Hang Snatch - build to a max for the day
Considering the AM, the shoulders didn't feel too bad during warmup. Didn't push this too far knowing what the shoulders have been and will go through today.
B. Split Jerk from Blocks; 3-3-3-3; rest 90sec
205, 225, 235, 225#
This didn't feel real good tonight. Backed down the last set instead of going up. Something told me not to go up anymore on these today.
5 Sets @ 100%
7 TnG Power Snatch Weight? (Start moderate and add per set)
30sec Airdyne
rest 6mins
1) 35 cals, 115#
2) 29 cals, 125#
3) 26 cals, 135#
4) 28 cals, 145#
5) 24 cals, 155#
The 155# pushed me to the edge today. Good call Marcus! I was smoked after this session. My first round on AD was blazing.
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