Sunday, June 30, 2013

For Time:

3 Rounds
50 Double Unders
10 OHS 115
3 Rounds
30m Prowler Push Tough
3 Rounds
15 Wall Balls
15 Box Jumps 24"

Time: 15:44

Tried to pace the first couplet without blowing out shoulders.  DU's were all unbroken except for a few trips getting started.  HSPU's were difficult after part A.  Prowler was a grind on those rubber mats.  BJ's were difficult to TnG. Video contains the 4th set of stone to shoulder and todays multi-couplet to review areas for improvement. 

Road to the Games 2013: 6/27-30/2013 from Brent Maier on Vimeo.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

A. Power Snatch + Squat Snatch; 6 sets; rest 2mins

155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205#

Easiest 205# power snatch I've ever pulled.  Caught with almost no dip.


Thrusters 115
C2B Pull Ups

Time: 3:23
Not sure what to think about this.  First round of 15's were unbroken. 6/6, 5/4 on thrusters.  Pullups were partitioned as needed.  C2B's got tough on this one.  Seems like such a small number that they shouldn't have been a problem.  hmm.

For Time
2000m Row
50 Toes to Bar
50 Clean and Jerks 95#

Time: 15:59

Deceptive little WOD.  Chased the clock on the last 10 C&J.  Held 1:43.7 avg pace for the 2k.  T2B were a grind and C&J were more difficult than anticipated.  Did the first 10 and had to start breaking them up into smaller sets.  Arms were smoked.  I did this one at 9:00pm here.  Started at 8:00pm but rower bungee broke so had to spend 20 minutes fixing rower.  Back was smoked from the odd position I was in when fixing the rower and was cold when I got it fixed and had to restart.  At that point it was more like a 3, 2, 1, no time for warmup gotta get this thing done.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

AM. Run 25mins Fasted out of bed

7:00 am - Ran hilly 2.4 miles

A. Bear Complex - EMOM x 12 mins (warm up to a weight that feels about 80% effort for this complex)
*perform as squat clean, jerk, back squat, jerk

185# - not good lowing weight to back.  That is the biggest factor on this complex but 185 was manageable without being easy.  It was good to get practice split jerking from the back today.  

B. 10 Stone to Shoulder for Time; rest 3mins; 4 sets

150# stone for all sets.  Averaged 52-58 seconds per set of 10.  Was going to use a 115# stone for the first set but decided to keep it heavy.  I don't think I'm real efficient at this but it's efficient enough to get the job done.

C. 6 Rounds for Time
5 Tire Flips Heavy
5 Burpees through tire

Time: 5:18
Tire wasn't what I consider too heavy.  Took a few seconds to flip and land for another lift.  Burpees on concrete so there was no knee action.  Jumps were the worst part here as you don't want to miss jumping in and out of a tire.   Fun wrap it up wod.

Worked with Jared Enderton OTC lifter on some mobility and warmup drill refinement for oly lifts.  Very good tweaks to what I was already doing.  Simple and effective!  I love it!  It's my wifes birthday today so we're goign to celebrate this evening.  Tomorrow is Friday!  Life is good! 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Row 500m @ 1:45
Jump rope 90sec
5 sets

Did this AM WOD at high noon out in the sun on a 95 degree day.  Wanted to get used to working out in the hot sun.  Felt great after this session actually!
Row: End times were 1:41-1:43 avg
Single unders: started at less that 50 the first round but was up to 160 by the last round.  Started to get the hang of it.

3 Rounds not for time
5-8 Unborken Muscle Ups
14 Alternating Pistols
10m HS Walk

Done: MU's (8/5/5), Pistols (easy), HSwalk (all broken today, balance was off)


EMOM x 14 mins
Odd - 6 Deadlifts @ 275
Even - 6 Close Grip Bench Press @ 185

Done: DL and BP felt a little heavy the last 2 rounds.


80 KB Snatches (alt every 5 reps) @ 70# for time

Time: 6:42
Taped my hands on this but everything ripped off at 30 and hands were about to implode.  Had to run and grab gloves I brought today just as a backup in case something like this happened.  A little slippery but chauked them up and they protected hands enough to get through the WOD without any tears.  Just tried to focus on my sets x5 per arm. Not real happy with that time but wasn't sure what to expect considering I haven't snatched a 2pd kb in a long time.  

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

AD 10mins Z!
AD 30sec @ 85%
AD 30sec @ 50%
x 20

Done: 60 / 80 rpm avg @ lvl 3

A. Hang Clean x 2 reps; build to a max for day

185, 215, 235, 265, 285, 305# - All solid


5 Sets @ 100%
6 TnG Power Clean and Jerks
30sec Airdyne
rest 6mins

1) 155, 35 cals
2) 165, 30
3) 185, 21
4) 175, 21
5) 185, 19

These felt heavy and push jerks are not a strength of mine.  First 2 rounds very easy,  Not happy with these really.  These efforts took a lot out of me.


Sunday, June 23, 2013

For Time
100 Thrusters 95#
100 Pull Ups
100 Burpees
100 Double Unders
30min Time Cap

Time: 26:46
Thrusters: 7:50 - paced these but got uncomfortable at 60.
Pullups: 6:00 - paced, last 15 got difficult.
Burpees: Didn't record splits on this but burpee's were uncomfortable
DU's: shoelace came untied and more trips on startup here.  Poor warmup on these and planning on my part to get these where they should have been.  Done in 20's.

1.5 hour mountain bike ride in the mountains with my boy! 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

A. Power Clean and Jerk; 2 Reps on the Minute at 75% 1RM; 10 sets

225# - Felt heavy but managable

B. Squat Clean from high blocks; build up to a heavy single

275# - I had bar set very high.  I started in my 3rd pull.  275# was a low catch but held on and called it there.

For Time
30 Power Snatch 135#

Time: 1:52
Previous times: 16:12 (7/2007), 9:53 (9/2008), 3:18 (1/2010)

For Time
1 Mile
50 Ring Dips
50 DB Snatches 70# (alternating)

Time: 14:35
Run: 7:45 (Hilly run with GPS watch)
Ring: 2:00
DB: 4:50

DB snatches were not bad.  Pulled the belt off on the last 20 to help breath and didn't have any affect on lifting the weight.  Did this in front yard facing window so focused on meeting full extension on my left arm with the shotty shoulder.  I got the hang of this about 20 reps in.  


Friday, June 21, 2013

Rest Day:

Focusing a little more on recovery than normal and upping carbs to account for increased workload.  Arms and hands are a little tender from all the pulling but feel good.  I felt a little beat up going into yesterdays PM knowing I had Bar Muscle ups but set escuses aside.  I'm surprised at how well the shoulders & arms have held up with all of the HSPU and upper body we've been doing.  I'm keeping a close eye on how the body is feeling right now.  I've come to far to injure myself now or limit my potential because I close to play it too safe during this critical time of training.  Full effort is all I know.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

AM. Run 20mins Fasted out of bed

Ran 2.25 miles in a hilly area.  Pace was average 8:30-10 min 1 mile pace.  Couldn't hit this out of bed so I did this just prior lunch hour today.  It was a hot one today.  Cardio was fine, legs got a little heavy on the extended uphill sections.

A. Barbell Complex - Power clean + Push Jerk + Back Squat + Behind the neck Split Jerk + OHS; EMOM (start at 155 and build up 5-10lbs on the minute until it gets tough) Just using this to warm up nervous system.

135, 145, 155, 165, 175# - Took it easy here

B. Tire Flip x 10; rest 2:30; 5 sets

Done:  Shortened rest to 1 min


5 Rounds for Time
Prowler Push 50m (grinder 25m down and back)
5 Bar Muscle Ups

Time: 9:53

All BMu's unbroken.  Prowler was grueling with 3 45# plates across rubber.  Had to break or thought I had to break the last 25m into 2 because of leg burn.  First 25m was ok to the turnaround point.  I had a few moments where I was concerned about hands tearing or straining something on BMu's but they were ok.  The big thing on these is setting your mind to doing one BEFORE you jump up to grab the bar.


10mins @ 90%
5-10-15-20 Shuttle Run
5 Stone to Shoulder (150#)
15 Hand Release Push Ups

Total: 4 rounds + (5-10-15-20 shuttle run)

The stone got heavy plus technique isn't solid.  Threw stone over shoulder and alternated to prevent brusing.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

10min AMRAP
Double Unders - every 25reps must complete 5 T2B

Total: 15 rounds, steady not a sprint.  felt good. 2 trips on du's

rest 5mins

8 Sets
Row 150m @ high tempo
walk to pull up bar and perfom 10 C2B
*walk back to rower and repeat

Done: C2B got rough.  Damper set to 5 and pulled 38+ SPM.
1) 10
2) 10
3) 10
4) 5/5
5) 5/5
6) 5/3/2
7) 4/2/2/2
8) 4/2/1/1/1  

5 Sets
10 Deadlifts 255#
rest 30sec
Row 400m @ 1:40
rest 2mins

Done: All sets UB and held pace.


EMOM x 20
Odd - 6 KB Snatch/arm (53#)
Even - 1 Muscle Up + 10 Ring Dips

Sn: uncomfortable at the end of the day
MU/RD: The last 3 rounds on the dips were rough but UB.  Had to dig a little bit to finish the last 3 rounds on dips.

Road to the Games 2013: 6/19/2013 from Brent Maier on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Airdyne 40mins
*every 5mins get off and perform 10 strict HSPU

1) 79 cals, 10 UB
2) 80, 10 UB
3) 88, 10 UB
4) 83, 10 UB
5) 83, 10 UB
6) 75, 6+2+2
7) 101, 6+3+1
8) 104, 6+2+1+1

Total Cals: 693
Total strict HSPU: 80

This got rough but happy to have gotten to round 6 before having to break up sets.  Round 6 I backed down the calories in hopes of getting another UB but didn't happen so I picked it up after that knowing that sleeping on the AD wasn't going to help the situation.   

A. Hang Snatch - build to a max for the day


Considering the AM, the shoulders didn't feel too bad during warmup.  Didn't push this too far knowing what the shoulders have been and will go through today.

B. Split Jerk from Blocks; 3-3-3-3; rest 90sec

205, 225, 235, 225#

This didn't feel real good tonight.  Backed down the last set instead of going up.  Something told me not to go up anymore on these today.  


5 Sets @ 100%
7 TnG Power Snatch Weight? (Start moderate and add per set)
30sec Airdyne
rest 6mins

1) 35 cals, 115#
2) 29 cals, 125#
3) 26 cals, 135#
4) 28 cals, 145#
5) 24 cals, 155#

The 155# pushed me to the edge today.  Good call Marcus!  I was smoked after this session.  My first round on AD was blazing.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

For Time:

4 Rounds
10 Burpee Up and Over (jerk block @ about 5-6")
3 Rope Climbs 15'
3 Rounds
15 Wall Balls
15 T2B
2 Rounds
15 Deadlifts @ 225#
5 Muscle Ups
400m Run
(pace, pace, pace, last 400m I want you to finish under control, no sprinting it in)

Time: 19:06

Tricky WOD.  Rope climbs would have been a little faster with good shoes.  Forgot my rope climbing shoes and only had a pair that is worn down to my foot.  At the top, I had to re-adjust feet so I didn't put a welt in the blade of my foot.  My weightlifting shoes would have shredded the gyms rope so I didn't wear them.   The WOD started to get uncomfortable going into the 2nd set of WB/T2B.  MU's were singles and more difficult than normal but no failures.  The whole WOD I was uncomfortably under control up through the end.  Fun fathers day WOD.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

A. OHS (from rack); 2-2-2-2 (work at 80% effort - not maxes); rest 2mins

135, 165, 205, 225# - Felt heavy

B. EMOM; 3 TnG Squat Clean Thrusters; begin at 115# (add 10# per minute)

115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195# - Ran out of weight and was spent on the last set.  Called it.


For Time
1k Row
50 Thrusters 95#
30 C2B Pull Ups

Time: 8:54

Never done heavy Isabel before but happy with results.  Effort was 90-93%.  Split up my thrusters on purpose into smaller sets to help save some for C2B.  Chest to bar are considerably more taxing than regular chin ups.  I was surprised how difficult they felt after the thrusters.

For Time
800m Run
50 KBS 70#
50 Burpee Box Jumps 24"

Time: 11:36

It's 8:30 pm here when I did this wod and almost cut this one out to give shoulders a break before tomorrow.  No time for excuses.  Cara working today and was watching movie with kids when I decided I better get this thing done.  Took this one slow and steady tonight.   Hilly 800m.  Measured 400m and 800m from the house with a measuring wheel as my warmup
.  :)

Friday, June 14, 2013

AM. Run 20mins Fasted out of bed

Done: Ran hilly areas for 30 min with my boy on his bike!  Great morning!  15m in it felt like I could run forever.  Started to get achy by the end.

A. KB Snactch Practice (from hang not floor); Sets of 5 unbroken, 10min (play with different weigths, heavy and cycle weights)

Done: Worked up to several sets of 70# with lighter rounds mixed in.

B. Stone to shoulder; EMOM x 2 reps (tough weight - 150ish); 10mins

Done: w/150# stone.  Up and over shoulder.  Smashed the back of my head into it with several minutes to go.  Created a weird cramp but kept going.  Alternated shoulders, wasn't bad.


For Time
Axel Clean and Jerk 160#
P-HSPU (6" deficit)

Time: 6:57

Failed my 2nd rep of the x2 round of HSPU.  Didn't extend so redid that rep.  Deficit was more like 8".  C&J was easy and not a problem at all.  Had about 50ft walk between stations today not by choice.  Jogged between them.


10mins @ 90%
50 Double Unders
5m HS Walk
10 Cals Rowing
5m HS Walk

Total: 4 Rounds + 50 du + 5m HS walk 

HS walks were sloppy today.   

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Row 30mins Zone 1

Done @ lvl 2 - 6505m

EMOM x 20
Odd - 3 Deadlifts 315#
Even - 1 Muslce Up + 10 Ring dips

Done: easy

EMOM x 20
Odd - 12 Wall Ball 30#
Even - 10 T2B

WB: Didn't have 30# today so threw a 20# 14'
T2B: UB but difficult at end 

EMOM x20
Odd - 10 Burpees
Even - 40 Double Unders

Done: All DU's were unbroken, all sets. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A1. Power Clean 1.1.1; 5 sets; rest 2:00

205, 225, 245, 265, 285x2 - The second 285# was rough.  Didn't have the will to try a 3rd in the cluster.

A2. Close Grip Bench Press; 2-2-2-1-1; rest 2mins

205, 225, 245, 265, 285# - Thats the heaviest I've gone with bench in a while.  305# is my 1rm as of last year.


6 Sets
6 Hang Power Snatch 135#
8 Burpees AFAP
35sec Row @ 95%
rest 3-4mins

Rows: 228, 216, 215, 211, 207, 205 meters 

This set of 6 was pretty intense and gave me headache as the sets went on.  Deceptive little mashup. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Pre: Worked up to a x3 225# OHS.  I was curious how hard it was to get 225# overhead in snatch position from the ground.  I've never practiced cleaning weight and transitioning it to the back.  225# wasn't bad but OHS felt heavy tonight for a triple.  I think I have it in me to hit 255# out of the gate with some practice but right now I wouldn't feel confident using that as a starting weight.

Airdyne 30mins Zone 1

Done @ lvl 2


5 Sets
6 Squat Clean Thruster @ 135#
12 Pull Ups
rest 30sec
Airdyne 90sec @ 90% Aerobic Effort
rest 2mins

PU: All UB
AD: 47, 43, 43, 41, 45 cals

90% AD calories are higher than they have been in the past.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

AM. Track - warm up as needed
Run 200m @ 90% (open it up a little); rest 90sec; 6 sets
Run 400m @ 90%; rest 2mins; 4 sets
Run 800m @ 90% x 2
Cool Down

200's: :36-:38 avg
400's: 1:25-1:27 avg
800's: 3:22, 3:28

The world around me felt like it was in slow motion tonight but the runs are done.  Legs are a little sore post run.  Alternated clockwise/counterwise with each lap on a dirt high school track.

Find your max Behind the neck jerk - 10mins

Shoulders are smoked, skipped this today as I didn't want to go into it half assed.

rest 2mins

4 Rounds for Time
2 Rope Climbs 15'
50' shuttle run
50 Front Squats 185 (From floor)
50' shuttle run

Time: 4:13

Wore lifting shoes for rope climbs.  Not as comfortable and wasn't use to them but didn't slow me down too much.  Runs were @ about an 8m mile pace.  Didn't run myself into the ground on this one but just stayed steady.

The last several days have been pretty tough overall.  Looking forward to another good rest day before Monday.  

Friday, June 7, 2013

A. 3 Squat Snatch; EMOM @ 65%; x 10sets (65% of 242# = 160#+5# for good measure)

Done @ 165#.  Back got a little tight towards the end.

B. 3 Squat Cleans; EMOM @ 65%; 10 sets (65% of 315# = 205#)

Done @ 205#. Back was really lit up by the end on this but solid reps. 

5 Sets
12 HSPU Kipping
10 C2B Pull Ups
rest 30sec
Row 450m @ 90% Effort
rest 2mins

HSPU: All UB, 3rd round was most efficient.  I was determined to do these all UB today and work efficiency as I got more tired.
C2B: UB, consistent turnaround time but efficiency of each rep varied a tad bit more than I would have liked.
Rows: 1:39->1:45 500m pull rate over the course of the 5 rounds.  1:40 avg for the first 3 rounds.

Cardio was fine today on all counts.  A/B was down to managing back pain.   Today was a little spicy.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Row 20 mins - Zone 1

4551m @ lvl 3
Back was achy today.

EMOM x 20
Odd - 5 Power Cleans 165#
Even - 10 Ring Dips

Not bad

EMOM x 20
Odd - 8 OHS @ 95#
Even - 10 Pull Ups

1st round was tough transitioning to OHS after first 20m.  After 3rd round, I felt like I could have done this all day.

EMOM x20
Odd - 10 Deadlifts 185#
Even - 10 GHD Sit Ups

The combination of these two started to get tough at about 80. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A1. Clean Grip Deadlift; 3-3-3-3-3; rest 2:00

315, 335, 365, 405, 405#
No bounce on DL.  The last 2 sets pushed it on the last rep.  Used straps in clean grip.

A2. Close Grip Bench Press; 3-3-2-2-2; rest 2mins

205, 225, 235, 245, 255# 

5 Sets
6 Hang Power Clean 185
6 Burpees AFAP
35sec Row @ 95%
rest 3-4mins

Rows were 208m+.  Felt sluggish on the HPC and burpees today.  May have been because of the strength portion.   

Monday, June 3, 2013

*** Very strong core and overhead today.

Airdyne 20mins Z1

300 cals @ lvl 3

A. Clean and Jerk; 2-2-2-1-1-1 (not maxes); rest 2mins

205, 225, 245, 255, 265, 275#
This was the EASIEST 275# I have ever put up.  PR for effort at 275# by a long shot.  Wow

B. 3 Thrusters @ 135-155#; OTM for 10mins

155# - All sets
Shoulder had a bit of a fit but done.

5 Sets
10 Squat Snatch @ 95#
12 T2B
rest 30sec
Airdyne 90sec @ 90% Aerobic Effort
rest 2mins

42, 40, 35, 28, 39 cals
All UB, strict rest times.  Legs on the squat snatch caught up to me a little bit and made it a little uncomfortable on the last 2 rounds.  T2B got rough but UB.  Grip was shot by the 12th rep.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

AM. Track - warm up as needed
Run 200m @ 90% (open it up a little); rest 90sec; 6 sets
Run 400m @ 90%; rest 2mins; 2 sets
Run 800m @ 90% x 1

200's: :26, :25, :25, :25, 27
400's: 1:28, 1:27
800: 3:21
Ran these on a dirt track.

Row 1000m
30 Power Cleans 135#
50 Burpees

Time: 9:36
Hit this about 90-92%.  Fun wod.