A. Power Clean from low blocks; 3-3-2-2-1; rest 2:30
225x3, 225x3, 235x2, 245x2, 265x1, 275x1
Added one additional single. Pulled from just below kneecap. First triplet lit up a spot between shoulder blades. Should have warmed up better. Never felt that before so rolled on a peanut between first 2 sets in hopes I could work it out. Started climbing again once I felt it wasn't anything serious. It might be also that I'm not use to firing off of low blocks.
B. Push Press; 5-4-3-2-1; Rest 2mins
165x5, 185x4, 205x3, 225x2, 245x0
Failed my last attempt at 245#. Didn't even really attempt to push it up after the dip/drive. Let it go.
5 Sets @ 97%
5 Power Clean TnG
5 Burpees
25sec Row
rest 3-4mins
All sets fast and UB:
205# + 168 meters
210# + 163
215# + 160
220# + 164
225# + 164
Didn't have thumbs taped very thick, was hard on nails. Didn't go lactic on row. Tough but was able to maintain the same amount of intensity.
Shoulder has felt horrible since the HSPU/FS WOD a few days ago. Ice, compression and motrin last night left it feeling good today. Going to do the same routine this evening before bed so we can hopefully go into the workout tomorrow with a little more confidence. I have yet to solve the puzzle of pain.
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