Six sets of:
Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull + Power Snatch + Snatch
Rest 2-3 minutes
135, 145, 155, 175, 195, 195# - This drill resulted in an amazing full pull for the final snatch.
Over the course of 8 sets, build to a 90-95% of 1-RM Split Jerk
225, 245, 255, 265, 275, 285# - all reps SOLID tonight up to my 95%. Cleaned weight as well.
Back Squat
* Set 1 – 5 reps @ 80% of 1-RM
* Set 2 – 3 reps @ 85-90%
* Set 3 – 1 rep @ 90-95%
* Sets 4-6 – 10 reps @ 65-75%
Rest 2 minutes between sets.
325, 365, 385 - The 385# single went up fast and easy.
3x10 @ 305# - I don't know that I could have done one more rep on the last set of 10.
OPTIONAL A.M./Additional Session:
Easy 1-Mile Warm-Up Run
Six sets of:
100 Yard Accelerations
(Perform these barefoot on grass if possible – starting at roughly 60%, build every 10-15 yards until you reach 90%, and then slowly begin to taper back down in the last 30-40 yards)
Rest 90 seconds
Run 400 Meters @ 80%
Rest 60 seconds
Run 400 Meters @ 75%
Rest 60 seconds
Run 400 Meters @ 70%
This is day one of a new cycle. If you have friends that want to come on board, now is the time to do it. Please, please post your results. I read them every day and they truly do make a difference to me.
For those of you who have been following for more than a year, this new cycle is built around a progression we have used very successfully before. There will be some changes made to some of the conditioning sessions and general structure, but the strength progressions might look familiar. Don’t worry, your body will adapt and progress just fine whether you did it a year ago or not.
Finally, you will all have noticed one MAJOR difference to the programming…the optional A.M./Additional Session. I will state this bluntly…the running efforts for the vast majority of this group are abysmal. Since I started coaching competitive CrossFit athletes, there has been a huge shift from athletes who had great work capacity and poor strength to what we find now, where many of our most competitive athletes have adequate strength and some major deficits when it comes to monostructural/cyclical work capacity. Accordingly, on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday I will post an optional track/running session from which I believe many of you will benefit. Don’t stress yourself out if you can’t work it into your schedule, and don’t feel the need to add it in if you are confident in your running efforts. But if you know your running is poor, or that your conditioning in general could use some extra work in the off-season, this is a good option for you. Post questions to comments and I will try to devote a bit of my time on Monday to answering them (the reasonable ones at least) to the best of my ability.
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