1) Clean and Jerk: 2X2 @ 70%, 2X1 @ 75%, 2X1 @ 85%, 2X1 @ 90%, 4X1 @ 75% – rest 60-90 seconds for the sets through 90%, rest 30 seconds between reps for the final set.
2a) 3X5 Pendlay Row – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec.
2b) 3X5 Jumping Good Mornings – heavier than last week but PERFECT rest 60 sec.
High Bar Back Squat:
Set 1) Every 30 seconds for 2:00 (5 total reps) – 1 rep @ 70%
*Rest 2:00
Set 2) Every 45 seconds for 2:15 (4 total reps) – 1 rep @ 75%
*Rest 3:00
Set 3) Every 60 seconds for 2:00 (3 total reps) – 1 rep @ 80%
Notes: Each set should be performed without re-racking the bar. Once you have walked out of the rack with the barbell, do not put it down until the set is finished. Percentage should be based off of your most recent 1RM Squat.
3 rounds for time of:
Row 500m
75 Double-Unders
1) 90/100/110/120/100kg - Hit both 120kg (264#)
2a) 85/90/100/110/120kg (264#)
2b) 95/115/125/135/145# - held back a bit here. don't want to wreck hams before competition this weekend.
Strength: Based on 400# max squat. Holding the weight through this was very difficult. It made the squats feel easy. Back of neck was on fire.
126kg (277#) 70%
135kg (297#) 75%
144kg (316#) 80%
now remember ROBO is now watching so stay strong.
ReplyDeleteI'm keeping an eye on you too brother! Lift like ox and run like cheetah!