Tuesday, October 30, 2012


20 minutes to establish a 1RM High-Bar Back Squat.


3 rounds for time of:

10 Deadlifts @ 275/185#
50 Double-Unders

*Rest 10 minutes.

3 X ME UB Pullups – rest as needed.


Strength: 160/165/170kg (374#) – 400# is my max, felt weak today.

Cond: 2:32 RX’d – felt great

PU: 35/20/20 – Count is a little low on these today. I did these on low rig with slippery bars, kipping but knee’s bent.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

1) Front Squat

2X5 @ 80%, 2X3 @ 85%, 2X2 @ 90%, 2X1 @ 95% – rest 2:00

2) Conditioning: 4 rounds w/5m rest between rounds
x10 PP: 135/135/145/155#
x10 Ball Slams: 30#
x10 Toes2Bar
50m run
25m sled push


2) Conditioning: Did this first

1) Front Squat
80%: 292#
85%: 310#
90%: 328#
95%: 346# - Failed on last single, rough 

Friday, October 26, 2012

BB Gymnastics

1) Every 30 seconds for 4:30 (10 total reps):

1 Hi-Hang Snatch (full squat) + 1 Snatch Balance @ 80% of most recent 1RM.

Notes: Reps are at 0:00 – 0:30 – 1:00 – 1:30 – 2:00 – 2:30 – 3:00 – 3:30 – 4:00 – 4:30

*rest 2 minutes

2) Every 40 seconds for 6:00 minutes (10 total reps):

1 Hi-Hang Clean (full squat) + 1 Front Squat + 1 Push Jerk @ 80% of most recent 1RM.

Notes: Reps are at 0:00 – 0:40 – 1:20 – 2:00 – 2:40 – 3:20 – 4:00 – 4:40 – 5:20 – 6:00


2 minutes ME KB Snatch 24/16kg

-then (no break)-

8 minute AMRAP of:

8 Lateral Box Jumps 20″
16 OH Walking Lunges 45/25# (plate)
24 Pushups (hand release)

-then (no break)-

2 minutes ME KB Snatch 24/16kg

1) 85kg (187#)- skipped the snatch balance.  Not great at lowering that kind of weight to shoulders and both on the 30s is no joke.  wow
2) 110kg (242#) - was heavy but manageable.  the last few front squats hurt a bit but helped train to jerk while fatigued.

50 kbs
2 rounds + 8 + 16 + 18pu: pushups were difficult
35 kbs 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Treating today as kind of a recovery day but blasted a quick cardio session out with Lee Lyles, a games athlete from FRCF that now lives a few miles away.  Looking forward to working out with him again.  We decided to do an OPT challenge I had several months ago.  I did it with my 12 year old boy at the time and got about 330-340 calories if I recall.  I'm hitting this one again and it's gonna hurt.

365FY+ on Airdyne:  Each of you sprint 30 seconds for 10 minutes and try to acquire 365+ calories.

Total: 379 calories

Post WOD:  I should have warmed up for this one.  Lee was all fired up to jump in cold but I assure you he or I won't be making that same mistake again.  It's a smoker but we hit our mark!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

BB Gymnastics

1) Clean and Jerk: 2X2 @ 70%, 2X2 @ 80%, 3X1 @ 90%, 1X1 @ 95%, 4X1 @ 85% – rest 60-90 seconds for the sets through 95%, rest 30 seconds between reps for the final set.
2a) 3X5 Pendlay Row – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
2b) 3X5 Jumping Good Mornings – heavier than last week but PERFECT rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO


High Bar Back Squat:

High Bar Back Squat: 1X5 @ 80%, 2X3 @ 85%, 3X1 @ 90%, 1X1 @ 95% – rest as needed.


3 rounds for time of:

Run 400M
21 C2B Pullups
12 Deadlifts 275/185#


1) Based on 300# max
70% 95kg
80% 109kg 
90% 122kg - bad form on 3rd jerk, almost failed 
95% 130kg (286#) - tough
85% 115kg

2a) 120kg
2b) 65/70/70kg

80% 145kg
85% 155kg
90% 163kg
95% 172kg (380#) - tough

Metcon) Ran x3 400's because lack of time.

Monday, October 22, 2012

BB Gymnastics

1) Snatch: 2X2 @ 70%, 2X2 @ 80%, 2X1 @ 90%, 2X1 @ 95%, 4X1 @ 85% – rest 60-90 seconds for the sets through 95%, rest 30 seconds between reps for the final set.
2a) 3X5 Snatch First-Pull (stopping at the knees) – heavier than 1RM Snatch (110% +), rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
2b) 3X5 Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Press – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec.

10 minutes free-standing Handstand practice.

50 KB Swings 32/24kg
3 rounds of:
50′ HS Walk
15 T2B
30 KB Swings 32/24kg
For time.


1) Based on 242# max
70%: 77kg
80%: 88kg
90%: 100kg
95%: 105kg (230#) - WooHoo, hit both.
85%: 95kg

2a) 121kg (266#)
2b) 145/165/185# - Not great at lowering back down for multiple reps.

S) Done

Metcon: 10:23
50kb ub: 1:55
3 rounds: 6:59
30kb: 1:28 - grip became an issue

Saturday, October 20, 2012

BB Gymnastics

1) 15 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch.
2) 15 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk.

Front Squat – based on max:
2X5 @ 80%, 2X3 @ 85%, 2X2, 2X1 @ 90% – rest 2:00

7 minute AMRAP of:
7 Bar Muscle-Ups
30 Double-Unders


Need a recovery day for shoulders and mountain biked for conditioning today.

Strength: No failures.  Based on last recorded max of 365#.
2X5 @ 80% - 125kg
2X3 @ 85% - 135kg
2X2, 2X1 @ 90% - 145kg: last one was tough

Friday, October 19, 2012

BB Gymnastics
1) Every 30 seconds for 4:30 (10 total reps):
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch (full squat) @ 80% of 120914.
Notes: Reps are at 0:00 – 0:30 – 1:00 – 1:30 – 2:00 – 2:30 – 3:00 – 3:30 – 4:00 – 4:30

*rest 2 minutes

2) Every 40 seconds for 6:00 minutes (10 total reps):
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Clean (full squat) + 1 Push Jerk @ 80% of 120914.
Notes: Reps are at 0:00 – 0:40 – 1:20 – 2:00 – 2:40 – 3:20 – 4:00 – 4:40 – 5:20 – 6:00

3 rounds for time of:
10 KB Snatch + OH Lunge (R arm, L leg) 24/16kg DEMO VIDEO
10 KB Snatch + OH Lunge (L arm, R leg) 24/16kg
20 Lateral Burpee Over the Box Jumps 20″
30 Jumping Squats 45#


1) 80kg (176#) – rounded down from 242# max snatch
2) 110kg (242#) – based on 300# max couldn’t keep pace starting round 7. Took 45 sec rest between lifts.

Metcon: 17:26 – smoker

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

BB Gymnastics
1) 10X1 Snatch from High Boxes (above knee) – heavy but perfect—not maximal, rest 60 sec.
2) 10X1 Clean from High Boxes (above knee) – heavy but perfect—not maximal, rest 60 sec.

1a) 3X5 Push Press – heaviest possible, rest 30 sec.
1b) 3X12 Reverse Hypers – heavier than last week, rest 30 sec.
1c) 3X12 Bulgariant Split Squats (front rack) – heavy, rest 30 sec.
1d) 3X1 minute ME Rope Climbs 15′ – rest 30 sec.
Notes: Split squats are 6 reps per leg. Try to maintain a vertical shin throughout the movement.


1) 80/85/90/90/92.5/92.5/92.5/95/97.5kg (215#) – felt good
2) 110/112.5/112.5/115/117.5/120/122.5/125kg (275#)

1a) 70/80/80kg – didn’t push this too hard because of shoulder
1b) 35# BE substitution
1c) 95/115/115# – haven’t done these in front rack before. not bad once you get balance under control.
1d) 2 legless rope climbs

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

BB Gymnastics
1) Clean and Jerk: 2X2 @ 70%, 2X2 @ 80%, 2X1 @ 90%, 2X1 @ 95%, 4X1 @ 80% – rest 60-90 seconds for the sets through 90%, rest 30 seconds between reps for the final set.
2a) 3X5 Pendlay Row – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
2b) 3X5 Jumping Good Mornings – heavier than last week but PERFECT rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO

High Bar Back Squat: 1X5 @ 80%, 2X3 @ 85%, 2X2, 2X1 @ 90% – rest 2:00

5 rounds for total time of:
15 C2B Pull-ups
Run 200m
20 Wall Balls 20/14#
Rest 1:1


BBG: solid C&J today
2x2 90kg@70%
2x2 105kg@80%
1x2 117.5kg@90%
1x2 123kg@95%
1x4 105kg@80%

2a) 115kg all rounds
2b) 45/65/55/55/55

S: BS strong. Triplets we're most difficult.
1x5 145kg@80%
2x3 154kg@85%
2x2 163kg@90%
2x1 163kg@90%

Metcon: 17:50 - finished each round at about 1:50. Didn't feel like pushing it hard so rested 2:10 each round.  C2B easy today

Shoulder still hurts very badly in a few spots but doesn't seem to hurt under load. Going to try and get to doc on Friday.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

2012 FRCF Masters Competition: 2nd Place
WOD placement: 1st, 7th, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

BB Gymnastics
1) Clean and Jerk: 2X2 @ 70%, 2X1 @ 75%, 2X1 @ 85%, 2X1 @ 90%, 4X1 @ 75% – rest 60-90 seconds for the sets through 90%, rest 30 seconds between reps for the final set.

2a) 3X5 Pendlay Row – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec.

2b) 3X5 Jumping Good Mornings – heavier than last week but PERFECT rest 60 sec.

High Bar Back Squat:

Set 1) Every 30 seconds for 2:00 (5 total reps) – 1 rep @ 70%
*Rest 2:00
Set 2) Every 45 seconds for 2:15 (4 total reps) – 1 rep @ 75%
*Rest 3:00
Set 3) Every 60 seconds for 2:00 (3 total reps) – 1 rep @ 80%

Notes: Each set should be performed without re-racking the bar. Once you have walked out of the rack with the barbell, do not put it down until the set is finished. Percentage should be based off of your most recent 1RM Squat.

3 rounds for time of:
Row 500m
75 Double-Unders


1) 90/100/110/120/100kg - Hit both 120kg (264#) 
2a) 85/90/100/110/120kg (264#)
2b) 95/115/125/135/145# - held back a bit here.  don't want to wreck hams before competition this weekend. 

Strength:  Based on 400# max squat.  Holding the weight through this was very difficult.  It made the squats feel easy.  Back of neck was on fire.
126kg (277#) 70%
135kg (297#) 75%
144kg (316#) 80%

Metcon: 8:28 - too many trip ups today.  Didn't prime CNS for this and it cut into time.

Monday, October 8, 2012

First day of the outlaw way with Matt.  Looking forward to it.

BB Gymnastics:

1) Snatch: 2X2 @ 70%, 2X1 @ 75%, 2X1 @ 85%, 2X1 @ 90%, 4X1 @ 75% – rest 60-90 seconds for the sets through 90%, rest 30 seconds between reps for the final set.

75/82.5/95/100/82.5kg - hit both 220# snatches

2a) 3X5 Snatch Hi-Pulls – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec.

110/112.5/115/115/115kg - 253# straps on last 3. They helped.  Felt heavy.

2b) 3X5 Non-Heaving Drop Snatch – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec.

95/105/115/125/125# - drops. Felt good.


12 Minutes Chest Facing Wall Handstand & Shoulder Touch Practice.


Notes: The goal is to get into and maintain the handstand with exclusively the nose and feet in contact with the wall. If you can get into and maintain the handstand within these parameters begin to try to some shoulder touches. Do not let your hands or nose drift away from the wall while performing shoulder touches. It is imperative that a hollow body position be maintained for this drill. Obviously, do not allow the desire to keep your nose on the wall end in injury—it’s not that serious.


3 rounds for total reps of:

1 minute ME HSPU
1 minute ME Front Squats 135/95#
1 minute ME Pull-ups
*Rest one minute between rounds.

Total: 176 reps
Hspu: 21/15/11
135# FS: 20/15/14
PU: 35/25/20

Saturday, October 6, 2012

A sc&j every 30s for 8 reps:
+90s rest
Add 20# and amrap sc&j in 90s

x4 245#

B: For time
x5 pj @ 135#
x10 burpee bj overs 20"
x15 1.5pd kbs

Time: last round was 7:20
Didn't time first two by accident but they were fast. Fell off a cliff on the 30 burpees during last round. Kept moving though but could be faster. Pj:  UB-5/5-6/5/4. Kbs UB-UB-25/20

Friday, October 5, 2012

A: SC at 90% of max PC; OTM x20

Shoulder and calves stressed, rounded down on this and used 120kg (265#) instead of 126kg.  Got a little tough but not bad.

B1: Weighted PU; 2-3 reps w/55#; x3 rounds; rest 10s


B2: x15 chest2bar PU; x3 rounds; rest 3m

Easy.  Efficiency was @ 85%

x8 2pd kbs
x8 burpees
x16 du's

7+1  Wasn't feeling it today.  A little run down and workout was later than normal.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A: 5-3-1 sp/pp/pj:
60/62.5/62.5/65/70kg - 155# not bad, first 5 were STRICT!

B bent over row 5x5:
85kg (189#) all sets

C: 15m amrap
15 ring dips
15 burpee BJ
400m run
Rounds: 3+15+15+250m

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A: 30s snatch ladder @95# +10# increments
B: 3 rft
x15 PC @ 135#
x15 burpees
+15m rest
C: 10-8-6-4-2 HSPU w/50-40-30-20-10 DU's
D: bent over row w/clean grip @ 185#

A: 45/50/55/60/65/70/75/80/85/90/95/+short rest/100kg (222#) - hard to switch weight by myself for 30 s pulls.  Couldn't have hit 100kg without a short rest.
B: 5:39 - rough one, lacked the fire
C: 4:35 - fun little wod
D: skipped short on time.  will do tomorrow

Monday, October 1, 2012

A: for time
400m run
5 mu's
400m 35# kb carry
1 legless rc
150m lunge
1 legless rc
400m 35# kb carry
5 mu's
400m run
B: x4 lbbs x5
C: x3 ME press @ 155# x3

A: 16:15 - fun
B: 120/130/135/140/150kg (335#) - had more but stopped
C: sp+pp: 1+9/1+10/1+9 - static press hurt