Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A. Power snatch; build to a max in 8 min
B. Power clean; build to a max in 8 min
C. Amrap power cleans in 3 min @85% of B
D. Weighted back extensions @2022, 8-10x3; rest 90 seconds


A: 205# - Heavier than last week but wasn't feeling it. Not warming up good enough for these 8m limited sessions.
B: 275# - Felt weak here tonight
C: x21 @ 230# - Last week I misjudged weight and did x19 @ 220# so slight improvement. Hit this @ about 85-90%.
D: 35#

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A. S2O; 50 reps for time 115/75
B. 15 hand release burpees for time x4; rest 2 min
12 min amrap @85%
Airdyne 12 calories
24 unbroken double unders


A: 1:41 - hurt a little bit
B: learned efficiency on the hand release. Hand release takes away the chest rebound.

Metcon: 15 rounds

Sped up last round to finish. 85% felt good. No groaning, stumbling or swearing! Lol. Fun one. Only 2 trip ups on du's.

Monday, February 25, 2013

A. Squat clean; build to a tough single (not a 1rm)
B1. CTB chin ups; 7 unbroken x5; rest 1 min
B2. 15 wall balls unbroken x5; rest 1 min
3 min amrap:
6 thrusters 135/95
6 toes to bar
rest 3 min
6 min @85%
10 ohs 75/45
Row 150m


A: 315# - Matched my PR. Clean and catch was strong. Standing up was rougher than it should have been.
B1: Done
B2: Done


5 rounds: Shoulder irritated, I think thrusters are the culprit.

4 rounds + 10 OHS + 111 meters: Tried to sprint the last 150 but too far and no time.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Airdyne 10 min z1
Airdyne 1 min @85%
Airdyne 1 min @50%
Airdyne 10 min z1


AD: Increased intervals set by x10 min and did 30s intervals instead of 1m by mistake.

5m @ lvl 2 60 rpm
30m @ 84-87 rpm
5m @ lvl 1 57-58 rpm

Cals:700 - Finished on 699 but got back on to hit +1. :)

Friday, February 22, 2013

A. Snatch pulls 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min
B. Snatch balance 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Crossfit open workout 12.5
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:
100/65 pound Thruster, 3 reps
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100/65 pound Thruster, 6 reps
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100/65 pound Thruster, 9 reps
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100/65 pound Thruster, 12 reps
12 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100/65 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100/65 pound Thruster, 18 reps
18 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100/65 pound Thruster, 21 reps
21 Chest to bar Pull-ups...
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.


A: 225/245/275
B: 95/115/135 strict drop

Reps: 124 - I will hit the 21 round if we get this in the open. Rougher than I remembered it being. Far worse than the bd comp wod3 or that snatch/bj ladder we did a few days ago. Brutal one.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A. Power clean; build to a tough single
B. 3 min max reps power cleans @85% of A
10-->1 unbroken ladders
Power snatch 95/55#
box jumps 24/20


A: 285# - wasn't going for a PR, stopped there.
B: 225# x20 reps - After the wod, I realized I should have used 245#. I was a little slow on the first minute. Only had a timer with no visual clock so I was shocked how fast the first minute buzzed.
Time: 5:09 - bar was jumping around like a kangaroo today so spent a little time chasing it around. Had a brief redline warning flag on set 8 or 7 so took an extra breath. Kind of a grinder like our WOD3 last weekend.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A. Press 10, 8, 6, 4, 2; rest 2 min
B. Close grip bench press; 2-3x3; rest 2 min
3 rounds for max reps @90%:
2 min row
rest 1 min
1 min hand release push ups
rest 30 seconds
30 seconds toes to bar
rest 3 min


A: 125, 135, 145 (2pp), 155 (1pp), 175 (2pp): All static except where noted. Small push's added to get it moving.
B: 205, 215, 235# - took it easy here. shoulder hanging in there. don'w want to awake demons before the open.

Row: No rolling meters. Wanted 600m but shouldn't have coasted on the last 4 sec. Kind of deceptive rowing for 2 minutes and focusing on say a 1:35 pace. You feel the last 25 seconds.
626m - 1:35
620m - 1:36
598m - 1:39

PU: 37, 34, 29 - happy with this. pushups aren't my thing and the numbers were higher than I anticipated

T2B: 18, 16, 14 - Fell off the last round

Haven't felt really powerful since the competition although MU's felt good yesterday.

Monday, February 18, 2013

A. Squat clean; 3 reps on the minute for 10 min @55-70% 1rm
B. Muscle ups; 2-3 perfect reps on the minute for 15 min
Squat clean 135/75#
CTB chin ups


A: 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 215, 215, 225# - Wasn't sure if it was a progression from to or if we pick the percentage. I did a progression but my math was off and round 6 started to feel heavy. 70% was supposed to be 220# so backed down a few and then back up.

B: Alternated between ring and bar MU's in sets of 3. Added a 16th round so I would end on an even number. Worked out a few efficiency issues. Both of these were on fire tonight.

C: 5:32 - For some reason I thought the rep scheme was wrong going into set 2 and almost quit. That mental side track took the wind out of the sails. Clearly I went into this unprepared.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

OPT Big Dawg Competition 2013: Day 2

Day 2 (comprised of 1 test):

Test 4: 90 Minute AMRAP

AMRAP in 90 Minutes:
1300m Row
200m Farmer Carry @ 2pd/hand for men, 1.5pd/hand for women
15 Wall Walks
42 Double Unders

The score in this test is worth 25% of your overall score
*Wall Walk Standards: chest must touch the ground and the wall on each rep.

Total:  7 rounds + 1300m: Rowed an extra 141 meters to finish off the 90m clock. I wanted nothing to do with the farmers walk again.

Test 1 was interesting. Big penalty for failure if you shoot high and can't complete it or have difficulty maintaining form. This WOD was all about knowing your capabilities and going with it.

Test 2: The difference between all out 40s and say a tabata interval is noticeable. I think another round or two would have resulted in some critical dropoffs for many at a balls out pace.

Test 3: Fast, surprisingly the deadlifts started to catch up with me on rounds 5-7.

Test 4: Blisters on hands and bruised knees. This one was brutal and can't say I want anything to do with it ever again. "Why did it have to be wall walks" in my best Indiana Jones voice. Finishing round 4 just after the half way point gave me hope that I could finish the row if I can hold it together. Interesting enough, the DU's and wall walk uncomfortable pace improved the last 3 rounds. I am SMOKED!

Friday, February 15, 2013

OPT Big Dawg Competition 2013: Day 1

Day 1:

In 10 min find your 10-Rep TnG (“Touch-and-Go”) Squat Snatch from the floor
Total: 160#

AMRAP Burpees in 40 sec/ rest 20 sec x 4 
Total: 69 (19/18/16/16) 6'2"(188cm), 206# 

7 rounds for time of:
10 Deadlifts @ 175lbs for men, 125lbs for women
15 Wall Balls @ 20lbs to 10ft for men, 14lbs to 10ft for women
Time: 6:48 - No transition time, had to break up and grind out the last 2 rounds of dead lifts.  The DL caught up with me. 


Competition Rules:

Test 1: Snatch TnG Skill Test

In 10 min find your 10-Rep TnG (“Touch-and-Go”) Squat Snatch from the floor

There will be two scores for The Snatch TnG Skill Test. Each score in this test is worth 12.5% and combined together will contribute 25% of your overall score.

The 10rm snatch will be scored both on:
A. Total Load
B. Aesthetics of Movement

Total Load:
Each rep counts if the bar comes from the ground, is brought into a full-depth overhead squat, and the athlete is able to stand up with the bar at full extension. All 10 reps must be completed in “Touch & Go” Style without the hands coming off the bar and without the bar resting on the ground. The load used to complete the 10RM TnG Squat Snatch will be worth 12.5% of your total score.

Aesthetics of Movement:
The aesthetics are scored separately from the load. You must upload a video of your best 10RM TnG Squat Snatch (please don’t upload other attempts). Your video will be evaluated by OPT and scored based on the following:
- no early arm bend
- maintenance of low back
- no feet movement
- no pause anywhere (except for 1 sec at the top to show full extension & control)
- full depth squat
- no press out

Each category will be scored either as a 1 - perfectly performed, a 0.5 - not perfectly performed but also not egregious, or a 0- not meeting the standard. We understand that the scoring for this component is subjective, but it will not be open to debate. The individual scoring of each of the 6 categories will NOT be released, only the aggregate score of all 6 categories. Please do not email requesting change or a specific explanation, as you will not receive a score.
We want to state that this is NOT what OPT believes to be how you should weightlift. Fitness is not the sport of weightlifting and a 10RM TnG lift is dramatically different than maximally loaded singles. It is a standardized way for us to create a subjective scoring rubric so that we can penalize people with poor movement/technical ability while still taking into consideration the load used.

- After completion of the Snatch TnG Skill test, you must take a 10 Minute Rest before moving onto Test 2

Test 2: Burpee Repeatability Test

AMRAP Burpees in 40 sec/ rest 20 sec x 4

The total number of burpee reps completed will be converted into total work output based on your current weight & height. The score in this test is worth 25% of your overall score

* Standard for burpees are chest touches the ground and touch an 8” target above your max reach with 1 hand.

Again, the Burpee Repeatability Test will be scored on the sum of all 4 intervals as WORK OUTPUT, not total number of reps. Therefore it is entirely possible to lose to someone else who achieved a lower overall rep score than you.

After completion of the Burpee Repeatability Test, you must take a 15 Minute Rest before moving onto Test 3

Test 3: Deadlift/Wall Ball Test

7 rounds for time of:
10 Deadlifts @ 175lbs for men, 125lbs for women
15 Wall Balls @ 20lbs to 10ft for men, 14lbs to 10ft for women

The score in this test is worth 25% of your overall score

*Wall Ball Standards: Ball must hit the 10ft target. Hips below parallel on the squat
Deadlift Standards: Each rep must start on the ground, finish with shoulders behind the bar and hips completely open. No bouncing the bar off the ground.

After completion of Deadlift/Wall Ball Test, you have completed Day 1.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Rest Day:

AD: All done @ lvl1

5m + 20m @ 30/50 + 5m

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A. Weighted chin up; build to a 3rm

14 min amrap:
28 muscle ups
56 thrusters 135/95
112 calories airdyne


A: 85# - feeling weak tonight. I did a double 115# last week.
Metcon: 11 calories

Lost some time on the transition and getting the Airdyne turned on but it's all good. I got to it. Finished MU's in 4:45 with no failures, thats pretty big considering I did 25 of them just yesterday. PR for 30 to date is 6:00. Been around 6 for a long time. Could have finished 2 more sub 5 without any issues. I didn't want the thrusters bad enough tonight. Scared of flaring up the shoulder maybe? Sometimes we have those days but I was determined to get on that airdyne at all cost.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A. Push jerk; build to a 5rm
For time:
100 S2O 75/55
1k run


A: Worked up to 225# and called it there.

25 muscle up warmup

Metcon: 7:22 @ 80% today, PP under 3 min and run felt great. Run was outside in the dark and sketchy in a few spots because of ice.  PP done in 5 sets of 20.  Probably could have gone a little more out of the gate.  Run was strong!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Brutal AM Session

Row 5 min @ 2:00/500, Done.
Row 4 min @ 1:55/500, Done.
Row 3 min @ 1:50/500, Done.
Row 2 min @ 1:45/500, Done
Row 1 min @ 1:40/500, Done.
Row 2 min @ 1:45/500, Done. - Had to get up and walk cramp out of butt before this round.
Row 3 min @ 1:50/500, Done.  
Row 4 min @ 1:55/500, Done.
Row 5 min @ 2:00/500, Done. - Butt cramps, walked around after this round. 
Row 4 min @ 1:55/500, Done @ 2:00
Row 3 min @ 1:50/500, Done @ 1:55 
Row 2 min @ 1:45/500, Done @ 1:50
Row 1 min @ 1:40/500, Done @ 1:48 - Butt really cramped, walked it out.  Smoked 
Row 2 min @ 1:45/500, Done @ 1:50 
Row 3 min @ 1:50/500, Done @ 1:55 - Can't take any more.  Butt cramped and starting to feel calves.  Because of PM, switching to E training. 
Row 4 min @ 1:55/500, Done @ E: lvl 1
Row 5 min @ 2:00/500, Done @ E: lvl 1

Total Meters: 13,142m

A. 1 1/4 front squat 6, 4, 2; rest 3 min
B. Power snatch; build to a 3rm TnG
Deadlift 275/185
Box jump 30/24"


A: 225/245/275#
B: 95/135/155/165/175/185# - solid 

Time: 5:35 - w/32" box. dl spicier than I anticipated. rough. I should have broken up the DL into 3 sets.  The first 21 were unbroken and back blew up on the 9 reps.  BJ should have been touch and go as well.  Lesson learned.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A. Behind the neck push press 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
B. Amrap sets of 3 unbroken hspu in 7 min
thruster 95/65
chin up


A: 145/155/165 - technique, took this easy. lowering technique got better with each round. lowering weights for me always got sketchy at around 80kg with snatch grip. Not worth the injury pushing it on this today.
B: 20 rounds - happy with this. round 8 technique was impeccable and perfect in all ways. Only one perfect round where efficiency was "on fire". Alternated strict & kipping early on.
C: 2:38 - pr and still had some in the tank. very sore in arms from that 15m amrap we did a few days ago. arms won't straighten and a few voices told me I may want to sit this out but decided to ignore them.

Friday, February 8, 2013


Airdyne 5 min z1
Airdyne 30 seconds @85%
Airdyne 30 seconds @50%
Airdyne 5 min z1


A. Pause above the knee power clean 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1; rest 3 min
B. Power snatch from high blocks; build to a tough single
Crossfit open workout 12.2
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
75/45 pound Snatch, 30 reps
135/75 pound Snatch, 30 reps
165/100 pound Snatch, 30 reps
210/120 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible



z1's @ lvl 1
Held 1800's c/pm.  Last 5 min of work set @ lvl 2


A: 225, 235, 245, 255, 265, 285# - almost lost the last one
B: 185#


78 - Matched last years score with a very conservative approach that I was afraid to try last year in fear of wasting an effort. I'm glad I did as a baseline going forward. I'm capable of 82+ for sure and hope I get another shot. Back was burning pretty bad tonight. Either from the PC's or that crusher we did 2 days ago. I must say there were no "shoot that foot and head off to the side" kind of snatches tonight and that is a good thing.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A. Weighted chin up 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
15 min amrap:
100 power clean 95/65#
75 chin ups
50 front squat 95/65#
25 toes to bar


A: 90/100/115# - All doubles were UB. Pronated


251 - Finished 1 round and 1 PC in the remaining 6 seconds. It got ugly about 30 PC's in. Finished them in about 6 something and didn't look at clock again until I started T2B. At that point I was determined to do whatever it took to finish all 25.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A. Incline bench press; 8-10x3; rest 2 min
For max reps:
5 min burpees
4 min double unders
3 min airdyne calories
2 min push press 75/45#
1 min hand release push ups


A: 135/165/185# - pushed it a bit much on shoulder but feels fine. Cortisone shot in bursa sac last week, going to take a little time. More time than I have at the present time.

Burps: 90 - Happy with this
DU: 220
AD: 63
PP: 54
PU: 22
Total: 449

Monday, February 4, 2013

A. Deadlift 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; rest 3 min
For max reps:
3 min Squat clean 165/110
2 min squat snatch 135/90
1 min max reps thrusters 105/70
(must switch out your own weights)


A: 375/395/405/415/425# - felt heavy

Metcon: 45 (28/8/9) - note not to use floppy 10# plates. Rough getting off. Cut into transitions. Wanted 30+ but backed down a bit not knowing how snatches would feel. Not bad.

Just coming off a strength program. Transitioning on my rest day but glad I did. Fun wod.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Run 45 min z1 out of bed fasted

5 rounds For max reps:
1 min double unders
1 min airdyne for calories
1 min kbs 1.5 pood
Rest 2 min bw rounds



PM: Didn't stop clock for transitions.
106, 41, 23
86, 22, 24
86, 22, 25
80, 20, 24
85, 29, 25 

700 Total - I didn't realize this was for points before I started and went balls out on round one.  The airdyne put a hurting on me the first round and made the next two rounds somewhat miserable.  For points, I should have taken it a lot easier on the airdyne in round 1 and pushed harder on double unders.  Kind of trippy today on du's today.  

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Todays session was the first day the doc said I should start stressing the upper body again.  I'd say I stressed it a little bit today.  I've only done bar muscle ups about 6 times in my 6+ years of doing crossfit.  By the time I compete at my next major event, I MUST be able to break the mental barrier of doing them under fatigue.  Shoulder seems to have held up today.  Josh & Tammy also joined me today on the PM session.  Fun times, onward!

A. Bench press; 10, 8, 6, 4, 2; rest 2 min 

3 rounds for time: 
10 bar muscle ups 
30 hand release push ups

For time:
20 squat clean 225#
15 parallete hspu
10 squat clean 245#
5 parallete hspu


A: 175/185/195/205/245 - easy 

Time: 11:54 - First round of BMU's were unbroken.  Second round, all singles.  Mental block 50% shoulder, 50% fatigue.  3rd round I did a 3/2/singles set.  Starting to figure it out.


Time: 13:04 - Pushed cleans at about 90% with no TNG.  HSPU on parallettes were rusty but got through them.   A little slow on HSPU but happy with the session.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Rest Day

The doc asked me to take 2 days off and the wife walked in today (the 2nd day) and caught me finishing up a x90 burpee run in front of the TV to test out the shoulder before tomorrows thrasher of a workout.  I'm in the doghouse tonight and have some making up to do.