Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A1. Clean Pull; 5-5-5-5 (@ 100% best clean); rest 2mins

Done: 315#

A2. Push Press; 5-5-3-3; rest 2mins

175, 195, 215, 235#
Last set was pretty tough


5 Sets @ 97%
3 Power Cleans 225#
12 Burpees AFAP
rest 2:30

5 Sets @ 97%
6 TnG Push Jerks 155#
Sled Drive 20sec
rest 3:00

Done: Traps were a little sore going into this after the clean pulls.  Push jerks were pathetic, especially round 1.  I thought that round felt a little weird afterwards.   I was focusing on making the dip/drive more efficient but didn't lock out knee's at the top of the movement.

Road to the games 2013: 4/30/2013 from Brent Maier on Vimeo.

Monday, April 29, 2013

A. Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch Below Knee + 2 OHS; 2-1-1-1-1; rest 2:30mins

175, 195, 205, 215, 225#
Stability and shoulder/arm strength always a little sketchy.  Punching is the key.  Glad I was able to hit a more solid 225# today.

B1. Front Squat; 3 reps @ 80%, 2 reps @ 85%, 1 rep @ 90% x 3 sets, rest 90sec

285, 305, 325#
That last set was much easier than the FS we did a few weeks back.  Legs are getting used to lifting weight again.

B2.Lean Away Chin Up; 31X0; 3-4reps; rest 90sec;

Done: 4/4/4/4/3
First round was bodyweight, next 2 were with a weight vest of unknown weight, last 2 were with a flak jacket and weight vest.  Had to keep it simple and grabbed any weight I could find to hang around torso.

C. GHD Sit Up; 10reps; every 50sec; for 80 total reps

Round 8 pushed me with double arm touches today but showing progress and was the perfect amount of reps for todays session.  I jumped off and wrote down 10x10, so finished with two more painful rounds mistakingly.


Row 30sec @ 90%
Rest 30sec
Airdyne 30sec @ 90%
rest 30sec
x 14 sets

Done: w/elevation lvl 3

Did this last night in the dark in front of the TV @ 9:30pm after everyone was in bed.  Busy day but managed to fit it in before bed.
Meters: 2247 (160m avg)
Cals: 220 (15c avg) 


Road to the Games: 4/29/2013 from Brent Maier on Vimeo.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

*This is a Grinder. Pace yourself

7min AMRAP @ 85%
200m Run
14 No Push Up BBJ
14 T2B

Total: 2 rounds + 200m + 8  (2nd set T2B 8/4, wasn't sure if I would make a 2nd set of 14.  They felt tough today)

+rest 3mins

7min AMRAP @ 85%
Row 350m
50 Double Unders
20 Walking Lunges

Total: 3 rounds + 350m + 50

+rest 3mins

7min AMRAP @ 85%
12 KBS 1.5pood
12 GHD Sit Ups
24 Cals AD

Total: 2 rounds + 12 + 12 (Subbed 40m 80# Sled push w/2 45# plates for AD)

+rest 2mins

7min AMRAP @ 85%
30 Air Squats
20 Hang Power Clean 95#
10 Burpees

Total: 3 rounds + 30 + 20 (HPC: UB, 10/10, 14/6)

+rest 3mins

7min AMRAP @ 85%
2 Muscle Ups
10 Push Ups
10 Back Extensions

Total: 5 rounds + 2 (Non-false grip muscle ups are a problem when mildly fatigued. Going to come in and work with our gymnastics coach next week at 10:30am to work that skill)

This one did creep up on me in the last 2 rounds although it felt like an 85% effort for all rounds.  Should have had water bottle with me during this workout.

Friday, April 26, 2013

A. Power Clean + 2 Squat Cleans; 5 sets; rest 2:30
185, 205, 245, 255, 265#
B. Split Jerk; 1.1.1 (10sec rest); 4 sets rest 2mins

185, 205, 225, 245, 265# - used blocks.  Olympic coach was there tonight so we worked on some things.  Drop the knee!
7 Rounds for Time
5 Deadlifts 315#
13:42 - DL got difficult the last 3 rounds.  HSPU's to yoga mat, not much padding.  Hard on head but much easier than the deficit without abmat.  The last 2 rounds were tough.  I had 1 no-rep and 2 that were questionable according to my cheering squad tonight.  

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

For Time
150 Double Unders
60 HR Push Ups - Tough and a little slow but kept moving.
50 Wall Balls 20#
40 Pull Ups
150 Double Unders - Tough set.  I didn't really have an issue with tripping because of fatigue, it was mostly having to stop before muscles gave out with each set.

Time: 10:34 (1:35, 2:38, 2:06, 1:34, 2:48) - Feet cramped up pretty bad after this one.

- rest as needed - 15m rest

EMOM x 14
Odd - 8 Thrusters 95# - Got easier as we went along.
Even - 3 Bar Muscle Ups - Easy and UB.  Setting up for this EMOM it took me several minutes to build up the courage to even attempt one after the first met con.  Hit one and called it.  Once the EMOM started, hitting these UB was easy peasy! 
EMOM x 14
Odd - 8 Power Snatch 75# - Easy and UB. 
Even - 10 Ring Dips (kipping) - All UB.  The last few reps of the last round pushed to the point of failure.

The last time I did Bar MU's, my shoulder flared up big time.  Normal pain is present but not flared or hurting at rest.  I think we are making progress here.  I'm feeling more like a machine with every workout we do.  Abs still a little sore from the GHD's and the row sprints fired up a hotspot in the mid ab region yesterday but feeling better today. 

I picked me up a little iPhone portable tripod stand to make taping portions of the workouts easier.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

4 Sets @ 100%
6 TnG Power Cleans 185
10 Burpees AFAP
rest 2:30 after each set

:41 sec per round w/ x8 PC per set instead of 6.

4 Sets
8 TnG Push Jerks @ 135##
Row 20sec @ 100%
rest 3:00 after each set

1:18m avg, 44spm, 147-149 meters

4 Sets
14 KBS Swings 70#
Airdyne Sprint 20sec
rest 3:00

Done: Subbed 20s 180# sled push on rubber mats. Perfect amount of weight to simulate AD.  Didn't have AD at gym today. 

Got minor headache in first set of 3.  I think the intensity spike and improper warmup was the culprit here.  Feel good.

Monday, April 22, 2013

A. Snatch; 2-2-2-2-2; rest 2:30mins

185, 195, 205, 215 (x1), 225(x1) - Snatch was a little off tonight and there were some distractions in front of me tonight.

B1. Front Squat; 3-2-1-1; rest 90sec (not 1RM efforts on singles, only last one tough)

275, 295, 315, 325# - Last rep was tough

B2.Supinated Weighted Pull Up; 5-4-3-2; rest 90sec;

55, 65, 80, 100# - supinated not as strong as pronated.

C. GHD Sit Up; 12reps; rest 30sec; 6 sets



Row 30sec @ 90%
Rest 30sec
Airdyne 30sec @ 90%
rest 30sec
x 12 sets

Row: 2038m (170 avg) - Up from 167m avg from x10 set we did last week.
AD:  276c (23c avg) - Up from 20 cal avg from the x10 set we did last week.

Road to the games 2013: 4/19/2013 from Brent Maier on Vimeo.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

7min AMRAP @ 85%
200m Run
10 No Push Up BBJ
10 T2B

Total: 3 w/24" box

rest 3mins

7min AMRAP @ 85%
Row 250m
45 Double Unders
20 DB Walking Lunges (20#)

Total: 3 w/25# DB's, all DU's unbroken, Rows 1:35-1:40

rest 3mins

7min AMRAP @ 85%
15 KBS 1.25pood
10 GHD Sit Ups
20 Cals AD

Total: 3 + 12 KBS

rest 2mins

7min AMRAP @ 85%
20 Air Squats
10 Hang Power Clean 95#
5 Burpees
Total: 5 + 2 squats 

Looking forward to a rest day after yesterday.  It was a shock to the system.  Today was light and manageable enough I could keep going without hitting cardio or muscle failure with already sore muscles.  Time to regroup.  Picked up some ZMA for recovery today.  My custom carb/protein mix should be arriving on Monday.  Recovery and rehab is my top priority for Sunday.

Friday, April 19, 2013

A. Squat Clean from Low Blocks; 2-2-2-2-2; rest 2:30

255, 265, 275, 290, 300# - First time pulling from blocks below the knee.

B. Power Clean Push Jerk Split Jerk; 2-2-1-1; rest 2mins

185, 205, 225, 245# - My arms don't lock out and makes this much more difficult than it should be. 

8min AMRAP
50m Run (25m shuttle)
8 C2B Pull Ups

Total: 12 rounds - Felt good, took it easy on the runs and worked on efficiency with each increasing round.  I could feel efficiency changes make C2B much easier towards the later rounds.  I will start incorporating those changes earlier int he future.

+ rest 10 mins

For Time
20 HSPU (45# plate deficit) - No Ab Mat
20 Pistols Alternating
40 KBS 70#
20 Pistols Alternating
20 HSPU (45# plate deficit)

Time: 15:09 - HSPU's after the 96 C2B, with 45# plate deficit and no AbMat was more difficult than expected.  Should it have been that hard?  Each rep required a very controlled negative in order to keep from smashing neck.  Difficult one for me.  I'm rusty at pistols but that is expected, haven't done them for probably 6 months.  Balance was a little off.

Road to the games: 4/19/2013 from Brent Maier on Vimeo.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

For Time:
600m Run - x12 50 meter shuttle runs, snowing outside.
20 Power Snatch 115# - 10/10, uncomfortable
400m Run - x8 50m
40 Burpees - Fell short by 20 seconds, 2:20
200m Run - x4 50m
80 Double Unders - No trips because of fatigue.  Brain shut it down at 57 because of burn and didn't think I was going to make 80.  Few breaths and finished the final 23.   
10/10 on snatches, burpees around 2mins, unbroken on 80 double unders... FOCUS!

Time: 11:43 - 100m of that final run was very sluggish.  Tried to use it as recovery for attempting the 80 du's UB.  

+ rest as needed (20m rest)

EMOM x 14
Odd - 8 TnG Push Jerk 155#
Even - 3 Muscle Ups

EMOM x 14
Odd - 5 Thrusters 115#
Even - 10 Knees to Elbows

PJ: Started with push jerks but had to back down to PP starting round 3 in order to maintain momentum to finish before arm failure. These pushed me to the breaking point today.  Last round mentally collapsed after rep 6 and racked it.  
MU: First 2 rounds done UB w/o false grip.  3rd round failed on first and backed down to false grip.  UB, UB, UB, UB, Singles, S, S
Th: UB and this second group of movements were much easier than the first.
K2E: UB 

Rough night.  If this doesn't hurt or heal my shoulder, I'm not sure anything will.  

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

3 Sets @ 100%
5 TnG Deadflits 335
10 Burpees AFAP
rest 2:30 after each set

25-:28 seconds 

3 Sets
5 TnG Power Cleans @ 205#
Row 20sec @ 100%
rest 3:00 after each set

PC: The last 2 felt sluggish on each round.  http://www.coachseye.com/RZ01
Row: 135, 137, 138 meters

 3 Sets

10 KBS Swings 88#
Airdyne Sprint 20sec
rest 3:00 after each set

KBS: 105#db/105#db/70#kb
Airdyne: Didn't want to run AD to gym for 60s work tonight.  Stacked x7 45# plates on sled and pushed for 20s.  Pulled 1 plate off after the first set.  Legs smoked after about 12 seconds. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

A. Snatch; 3-3-2-2; rest 2mins 

185(3), 200(3), 215(2), 225(1), 225# - Hamstrings still very sore from lunges.  Caught the failed 2nd 225# rep but didn't chase.  Did one more 225# to make up for it.  Using Reebok shoes instead of Adistars.  Have a tenancy to lose weight forward when I wear them but have to get used to them if I'm forced to wear them in July.

B. Front Squat; 3 reps @ 80% effort; rest 90sec; 4 sets

275, 275, 275, 285# - Last rep was too much for 80% effort.  First round was fine but last 2 felt more like 90%.

B1. Weighted Pull Up; 3-5reps; rest 90sec; 4 sets

70(x5), 80(x4), 90(x3), 115#(x2) - Tried another single rep of 115# after the double and it was not gonna happen. 

C. GHD Sit Up; 15reps; rest 45sec; 5 sets

Done w/ 2-hands : Headache & needed short pause on last round.


Row 30sec @ 90%
Rest 30sec
Airdyne 30sec @ 90%
rest 30sec
x 10 sets

Rows: 1:33->1:35 avg (1673m) - Lower damper, shorter faster pulls, quicker breathing tempo.
AD: 94-90rpm (205 calories) - Slipped to the lower 90's later in the last 3 rounds.  Normally I hold 85rpm at an 85% 50/50 effort.  

Shoulder: 6 going into the workout.  As long as I stay out of the 9 and occasional 8's, I'll be good.  Some good prep work actually minimized the pain I expected as I started heavy.  The volume and weight feel foreign to me after 5 weeks of the open.  We'll be back in the groove here in a few weeks.  Rolling some trouble areas tonight before bed.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

7min AMRAP @ 85%
200m Run
7 No Push Up Burpee Box Jumps 24" (step down)
7 K2E

Total: 4 rounds

+rest 3mins

7min AMRAP @ 85%
Row 200
30 Double Unders
20 Sandbag Walking Lunges

Total: 3 + 69m w/80# sandbag - Legs were burning pretty good on those lunges.  Had to rest a breath at the top of every 3 or so mid way though rounds 3 & 4.

+ rest 3mins

7min AMRAP @ 85%
10 KBS 1.5pood
10 GHD Sit Ups
15 Cals AD

Total: 4 rounds

Shoulder was very sore yesterday after the WOD and up through last night. Iced and smashed bi/tri last night up until bed. Feels better today. Sore but doesn't feel broken. I hit yesterdays WOD with a pace strategy and thinking I should have pushed my first set on OHS harder as breaking up into even sets only felt worse. Army Top Ranger did it with me and he beat me by 30-60 seconds, same with my bro.

Post WOD today though, I feel stronger.

Friday, April 12, 2013

A. Hang Squat Clean (below knee); 3-3-3-2-2; rest 2:30

185, 225, 245, 275, 290 - Felt good

B. 2 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk (ok to use jerk blocks and dump each rep); x4 sets; rest 2mins

185, 195, 205, 215 - no jerk blocks today so kept weight light


OHS 135
HR Push Ups

Time: 10:33 - ouch, not good.
18's: 2:19
15's: 3:10
12 & 9: 5:04

Purposely split up pull-ups into 6/6/6, 5/5/5, 4/4/4, 5/4.  Not sure it helped on the OHS though.  Had to slow down to fight leg burn but became very difficult to sustain weight overhead for large sets.  Shoulder strength weakness? 

Something set shoulder off in the last 3 days.  Doing bicep and tricep smashes tonight before bed.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Crossfit Games 2013 Bound & Marcus Filly Coach!

It official, I finished 16th in the world in the Crossfit Open 140k+ competitors and 7,700 of them in my age division 40-44.  I will be going to the Crossfit Games this year!    Today is also the first day in 7 years I have ever received custom programming and I am honored to have Marcus Filly as my coach.  A seasoned and well respected athlete in the Crossfit community.  I feel if I didn't make this decision, this chapter in my life would not end with a full effort, full victory finish, no matter how hard I push at the games or what place I finish.  I'm hoping he will help me discover more of myself in hopes it will allow me to become a better athlete and person in general.  
It's my boys 13th year birthday today so it's a very big day.  Eating at 8:30pm and celebrating late tonight.
Here we go... 
Pre: External rotation, powell raise, Trap 3 raise (8/8/8 w/15#, shoulders felt smoked after doing these) - http://optimumperformancetraining.blogspot.com/2009/10/day-3145.html
A: For Time @ 90%
1k Row
30 Clean and Jerks 135#
30 Burpee Pull Ups (8' Bar)
1k Row
Time: 15:58 (3:43, 3:42, 4:27, 4:05)

Row 1:50,
CJ 5/3/3/1's: 90% on this felt a little uncomfortable.  Wasn't sure if I should do all singles or multiples.  Did a little of both.
Burpees: Big jump to strict pull-ups early, later switched to jump and standard kip.  Tough to feel 90% here because they were kind of uncomfortable.
Row 2:00m pace: Got wind back around 550 meters and started pulling 1:53-1:55 again.
+ rest 10mins (Took about 15 minutes to warm up Snatch Technique)
EMOM x 12
Odd - 5 TnG Power Snatch 135#
Even - 3 Muscle Ups
EMOM x 12
Odd - 8 Thrusters 95#
Even - 10 T2B
All Unbroken, last 2 rounds of snatches, MU's and T2B got pretty tough.  This was rough tonight.

Shoulder Pain: 5

Monday, April 8, 2013

A: x2 PC @ 75% (225#) of max (300#) OTM for 12 min

B: FS worked up to 150kg (330#) - Didn't push this too far.  Need to get comfortable with heavy squatting after the last 5 weeks of lightweight movements.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Crossfit Open Week 4-5 Recap

The open is complete and has been the biggest fight of my life.  I'm still waiting for the final results but the standings are looking positive.

13.4: C&J/T2B: 100 reps on this WOD.  The C&J got uncomfortable and I cut down on my TnG early on.  I did this WOD a few times but do not recall my initial score.  The thing that held me back here were the T2B.  When they go south, they go quick.  Something I have to fix in the future and work with for the time being.  

13.5: Thrusters/C2B: 141 reps - I was sitting 21st place going into 13.5.  My first run on Thursday was balls out from the get go with no pace and I nearly put myself in a coma for 135 reps.  Took a few days to even consider re-considering a redo.  By Sunday, I knew I had to give it another go or all would have been lost had I missed the cutoff.  A well thought out repeat resulted in a 141 which moved me up to 16th place.  Had I not repeated, I would have ended up in 22nd place, missing the games by 2 spots of the 7800 people. 

This Crossfit Open has been the most difficult Crossfit challenge of my life.   Through perseverance, it is now one of the most memorable Crossfit moments of my life!