Thursday, June 8, 2017

Another update to let everyone know I'm still alive.

Took 4th in the world in the CrossFit 2015 1st annual LiftOff and won a nice bearing Rogue bar.  The great Josh Everett finished 5th so that alone was worth the experience.

In 2016 I ended up taking 5th place in the 2nd Annual CrossFit Liftoff and won another liftoff bearing bar.  5th place was the cutoff for prizes but was able to pull it off so that I can give them to my kids once they grow up and have a house of their own.  In the meantime, workouts with friends/family are a little easier the more bars you have around the house.

I ended up making it back to the CrossFit Games in the 45-49 year old division and ended up taking 2nd place with the silver medal on their 10 year anniversary and last time in LA.  The final workout was in the tennis stadium so it doesn't get much better than that.

As of 2017, I have qualified again to go back for my 4th CrossFit games appearance now in Madison, Wisconsin.  We're exactly 2 months out from the games and training is going well.  Trying to stay healthy and injury free as we ramp up volume and weights!

Family is healthy and doing well.  Onward!
